
Shield Test (2)

Coulson's temporary SHIELD Base

Captain America quickly grab my arm and twisted his body putting me into an arm bar hold on the ground said "You should pay attention to your opponents at all time".

We struggle on the ground for a few moment trying to get the best position against each other. Using my hip to turn body, I quickly pull my arm upward breaking his grip from my arm.

Both of us rolled away from each other and got back onto our feet.

"You nearly got me there" I replied as I delivered a turning kick towards him which he parry easily with his hand.

Closing in toward me, Captain America grab my neck with both of his hand and delivered knee attack towards my chest and stomach.

Blocking his attacks with my hand, I pushed him backward that separate us as we started doing a series of dodges, blocking and punching towards each other.

Using my left hand to grab the shield in his hand, I punch toward his head with my other hand.

Captain let go of his shield and quickly did a back flipped dodging my punch. While in midair he kick me in the chest pushing me back as the shield drop on the ground.

Quickly recovering I rush forward and delivered a rising knee towards his chest. He did a side step to avoid the attack. I kick toward his legs to trip him but he somersaulted away to different direction.

Spinning my body, I send a back fist towards his chest. Captain quickly block with his arms as he took the brunt of the attack causing him to skid backward on the ground.

"Guh!! That hurt!" Captain America said smirking slightly as he shake his arm slightly before displaying several wingdings in his hand.

"What!" I said in surprise as I realize that he has took the wingdings from the ground.

Captain America replied "Learn this trick in Brooklyn" as he throw the wingdings towards me.

I quickly step on the shield causing it to flip up in the air and grab it with my right hand.

Deflecting the wingdings with the shield, I said "I like your shield, it is so light. I wonder how much I can get for it".

"Not for sale!" Captain America said as he delivered a barrage of punches and kicks towards me which I blocked using his shield before punching him in the chest with my other hand.

"Learn that from a movie called 300" I replied

Captain America rolled backward on the ground due to the impact before standing back up.

I stuck the shield to the ground causing it to stick upright.

I charged forward towards Captain America, I said "Lets give them a good show!" as Captain America approach me too.

Captain avoided my right punch as he countered with a left punch towards my face.

"I got you!" Captain America said as his fist connected to my face.

Twisting my head away, I reduce the impact of the hit. I return his attack by striking him with a punch to his stomach. The punch push Captain back slightly, I followed up my attack with an uppercut toward his jaw causing him to stagger backward slightly.

I continued my attack with an elbow strike but it was caught in his outstretched arm.

Grabbing my arm he hurl me towards the ground but i somersaulted away with the help of my other hand.

Captain followed up his attack by kicking towards. Block his kick with my hand, I skidded backward due to the impact.

"Nicely done!"' Captain America yelled as he struck out another kick.

I side step him and quickly slam my shoulder against his body causing him to stagger slightly in pan before tackling him to the ground.

Pinning him to the ground, I took out one of my wingding and put directly against his neck.

"Yield!" I said.

Captain smiled as he continued to struggle slightly before stopping, he said "I surrender. I am impressed, soldier!".

Background Coulson complaining "This just a spar! This does not proof anything! Captain went easy on him. If it is a real fight, he will kick Nightwing's ass!".

Fury replied "Seriously Coulson! Fanboy much!".

Coulson sulkily complain "He cheated! He is not wearing power dampeners! Give me few weeks with Captain, I will bring out the best in him"

Fury sighed heavily feeling irritated "Ramonoff would have love to see this".

Standing back up, I lend out a hand and help Captain America up. I said "So how did I do!"

After thinking for awhile, Captain America replied "You did exceptionally well, you would have been a great asset during the war!".

"Thanks, that is a huge compliment coming from you" I said.

"Steve do you want to hang out with Defenders " I said as I took out the Wingwave.

Fury stood in between us sternly said "No recruiting, Nightwing"

Glancing at Fury, I said "Just being friendly Fury no worries. How about the deal?" as I put back the communicator

Fury stared at me in silence before saying "I admit you have the skill but that only applies to you. For now the Avenger Initiative will work with the Defenders in the trial basis. If there is any threats that might need your help, we will call you".

As I was going to reply Fury, I was interrupted by Coulson.

Coulson rush towards Captain America concernedly said "Ste... Ste ....Captain, are you alright? Do you need to rest? I have a room available for you. I have several ideas to help improve your fighting style. Next time we will show him who is boss around here. We can have this discussion in my office. By the way, can I give your shield a throw?".

Everyone stared in silence at Coulson.

Coulson confusedly replied "What?"

Skye quickly step forward towards us with Jemma trying to hold her back saying "I am not sure you remember me but I am..."

Interrupted her by extending my hand towards her, I said "Hey, Skye! Nice to meet you again".

"You remembered me..." Skye replied feeling touched and in daze as she shook my hand.

"Yeah! You look better since the last I saw you" I replied

'Yeah, thank" she murmured in daze as she is still holding my hand.

'Skye hand!' Jemma whispered urgently to her as she look at everyone apologetically.

'Ahh! Sorry!' Skye quickly let go of my hand and blushing slightly.

Jemma pulled her away saying "Apologies, Director Fury. You can continue your discussion" Jemma dragged Skye away.

Clearing my throat, I said "Director Fury and Steve, both of you can call me on the Wingwave any time if there is trouble. The Defenders will lend a hand if you need us".

"Just make sure you don't disappoint me, Nightwing" Fury replied with a warning tone.

Captain America replied "Thank you".

"By the way, Stark told me if I see a bald guy with an eye patch that ask me to join them, I should punch him out since he is from an evil organization. Tell him I blew up SHIELD building or something" I replied smirking at Fury.

"I see. So you want me to blow it slightly out of proportion. That sounds good to me" Fury smiling back at me.

"Yup" I replied as I walk towards the edge of the building.

Nodding my head at them, I glided away.

Fury called out to Coulson "Coulson, I have a mission for you".


30 minutes later.....

Coulson gathered his team members in the mission briefing room. He is feeling slightly irritated due to Fury not allowing him to talk any further with Captain America. Apparently Fury stated that he is embarrassing himself and SHIELD.

Coughing to clear his throat, Coulson said "Grant Ward, Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz, Melinda May and Skye. Director Fury has instructed me to establish a special team and I have selected all of you".

Skye whispered to Jemma excitedly as she shake Jemma's body side to side "He remembered me!".

"I know! Stop shaking me. I can see you drooling" Jemma whispered back feeling slightly irritated.

Leo looking at his tablet muttering to himself "I still don't understand. How does he know how to avoid the cameras and security alarms? Does he have a hacker to help him? Hmmm...."

Grant whispered to Melinda said "I could take him down. I don't understand what Director Fury see in Nightwing that deserve his attention".

Melinda raise her voice slightly "Grant! Director Fury has his reason. Since it is only a spar, I think Nightwing and Captain America held back in this fight. I notice Nightwing's belt has pouches that might have other tools he has not used in the fight" causing Grant to snort his nose in annoyance.

Coulson quickly interrupted "Pay attention, guys" he glared at all of his team members silencing all of them.

Coulson continued "Director Fury want us to find super powered individuals around the world and analyze whether they are suitable to be included in the Avengers Initiative. We will be studying whether they proof to be a threat or friendly. Any question?".

Everyone shook their heads except Skye who murmured a cursed "Damn it, I thought we could stay in New York a bit more longer"

Ignoring Skye, Coulson looked towards Melinda saying "May, Where is Agent Annie Wong? I need order her to delete those photos she took before she leave with Director Fury".

Melinda with trouble look answered "She is in the infirmary"

Coulson said "What! What happen?"

Melinda hesitated a few second before answering "Nothing! She keep looking at her smartphone giggling weirdly and her nose bleeding continuously".

Coulson moan slightly in annoyance "BL lover! I swear I will kill her if I find her writing anything online".

Please review, write or provide feedback so that i can improve myself and the story

Busy few days at work... I finish this chapter yesterday.... but didnt notice I didn't post it

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts