

If this happen again I will never let you go alone anywhere. Old lady grab old man hand to move to headmaster room.

Hitesh and other talking each other, how this old lady come tour room without face the door.

Hitesh said, I also know someone who also done this.

Manish ask, who?

Hitesh said, you don't have to know. I will take care of this.

Mikatsu look at Hitesh with stare domination eye.

Hitesh ask, is something wrong?

Mikatsu said, I depress manner I am fine, just do you own business.

Old lady and old man follow the route to headmaster room. They ask for headmaster room to some student. They use walking ladder to reach to room of headmaster, whose room happen to 2nd floor

They arrive to the room, but they confuse, which room we have to take. They saw someone came out from a door. Old lady ask, can you tell me headmaster room?

That teacher said, that one where I came from.

Old man said, thank you and move toward the door.

Wait! Who are you? Why you want to meet our headmaster?

Old lady reply I am his mother, and he is father of headmaster.

That person come with him to the room. Because he suspect both of the old person.

Both enter old person to head master room. They saw his children was laying on bed and nurse and doctor and some teacher was around him and take care of her son.

Old lady said, my son. What happen to you?

Every teacher look at both them and stop them and ask who are you?

Teacher who bring him said, they told me that they are our headmaster parents.

Gorden teacher said, we don't know our headmaster has parents. If you really our headmaster parent just prove us.

Old lady said, let we wake him up then he will prove.

Nurse said, we can't trust them. They are from outside.

Miss Hiss said, if they really are parents. So do you know about headmaster conditions?

Old lady was vanish and burn a dust on paper and put near his nose and he take some amount of smoke while breath.

Everyone in the room, was in attack mode and trying to attack old lady.

Headmaster open his eyes and said, mother! Is that really you?

Old lady said, yes my son. Yes that's me. I came here for you. He slowly up and sit and see his father.

Old man said, hello my son.

Headmaster ignore him and talk to mother. Old man walk out from room after see his son

Old man sad and ignore by son make him depress and walk out the room.

Mother ask, how are you end up in bed?

Headmaster reply, that voice I hear again.

Old lady said, this is the reason we are here. We also feel him and want to come here.

Gorden ask, who?

Headmaster said, helguard.

Headmaster ask, is he escape from hellprison?

Mother said, yes! He escape and maybe come here for revenge.

Old lady turn head to old man direction. But he already leave the room.

Old lady said, you have to forgive you farther and work with them so you can beat helguard.

Headmaster reply, I can take care of them. I don't need father to come.

Headmaster request them. Please be serious. Your father came to help you.

Miss tree ask, who helguard?

Gorden said, you are here that time. But our headmaster was a normal teacher like us. I was just new joint at that time. Helguard was a teacher as well. But he sacrifice student to evil god for immortality. Last headmaster and current headmaster fought him and win but last headmaster die. After that we decided to announce him as new headmaster.

Gorden also said, how he manage to escape hellprison?

Miss tree said, hellprison was not a simple prison for the people for escape easily.

Miss Hiss said, we have to secure the border and student protection if this true.

Old man walking in campus and look here and there for some drink and ask student if he know where is alcohol.

Old man look in fountain and reflection of his face. While saw to the reflection of fountain. He said I am a bad father, who can't support his own son.

Jenny came out and sit in other side of the fountain said. He love me or love me not. Jenny repeat said it.

Old man move and see other direction and said, who are you? Why you saying?

Jenny reply, love is something we can't express. They just comes own its own when times come.

Old man ask. Why you use flower to count love?

Jenny reply, this thing give us hope.

Old man ask, who is the lucky person? Who you love

Jenny reply kitty!

Old man ask, who is kitty? With smile and politeness

Jenny said, my winged lioness

Old man said, it is you partner creature.
