
Chapter 2: Somewhere new

In front of him stood a massive metal and glass structure. Its white color was giving it a neat and clean look as it stretched towards the sky like a falling cloud. Its oval shape reminding Adriano of the Burj al Arab in Dubai, on one side of the building a minimalist blue lightning pattern stood out like a scar against the unblemished white walls.

Between Adriano and the structure stretched a giant green field crowded by hundreds of people. What actually made Adriano's eyes pop out beside the fact that everyone wore the same outfit he did, (black skin suit from neck to feet.) was that amongst all the people, there were freacking mecha!

Around 4 meters tall and giving off an elegant yet murderous air, even from afar Adriano could see a small diamond like fissure in the front where the cockpit was located. The arms on the right side was a standard four fingered cybernetic hand while the one on the left was a weapon. Each mecha had different weapon implants, some of them were the standard barrel like cannon implants, others reminded him of Tesla coils, and one even had a chainsaw.

"BU!" suddenly a shrill sound exploded inside his head.

"What the!" Startled, Adriano leaped forward and started looking around, however, no matter how he twisted and turned, no one was in his vicinity. "Heyo me, enjoying the scenery?" the voice appeared again, this time at an acceptable volume yet still unsettling coming from nowhere.

"Who are you?" he asked still looking around.

"I'm your conscience, I just passed by to tell you I'm very disappointed in your taste of porn." the voice took a severe and disappointed tone for a second.

"Seriously, who are you and where are you speaking from?" Adriano uncomfortably replied.

"I'm God; you died in an elevator crash, so I sent you to a different world to kill demons and fuck bitches." The voice sounded solemn, and yet Adriano could feel the bullshit leaking out of it.

"Did you also give me cheat abilities?" he asked annoyed.

"Of course, try punching that wall." the voice sounded sure of itself.

"Why the heck would I punch a wall?"

"That's the way to activate your special powers." the voice replied in a stating-the-obvious attitude.

"You gave me a special power that activated by punching walls? Am I the kool-aid man or wreck it Ralph? Just call me a bitch and pay me to fuck off." Adriano sighed and turned to watch the mecha again trying to ignore the voice.

"Nah, enough bullshit. I'm state of the art AI living inside a computer built in your brain, denomination Yankee oscar uniform." the voice became robotic and cold all of a sudden.

"Why does this sound like another bullshit?" The previous interactions with the voice made Adriano feel skeptical.

"Hey, not kidding anymore, a hundred percent serious this time." the voice dropped the robotic voice and acted offended.

"Let's pretend I believe you, where does such an advanced AI come from and what the heck are you doing in my brain?" Adriano felt it was better just to ignore the voice, however, he was thirsty for answers.

"You remember when you were in the elevator, and they dropped us? Well, the metal thingy you had in your hand was called a mental transponder, it copied the contents of your brain and shipped it to this base, then they built you a new body with a chip implanted in your brain, and loaded your mind. Also, I know this is a lot to take in all at once. However, I'm actually a copy of your mind digitalized and transformed in your friendly neighbor AI. Questions?" the voice became soft and asked in a gentle tone.

"have I gone mad?" Adriano asked holding his head, not sure if he was talking to himself or the other himself living in his brain.

"Not more than you... We already were."

"Well, shove a pole in my ass and call me lollipop, but I actually believe you. What is wrong with me... us?" Adriano asked in a composed tone.

"I might have been releasing certain chemicals in your brain to help you accept the situation." replied the AI with candor, as if there was nothing wrong with it.

"So you have been drugging me?" Adriano felt exhausted after talking for himself; now he understood why people usually avoided him.


"When you admit it so candidly I don't even know how to complain; besides, if you are me, you already know every argument I might use. Now I have three questions: first, how should I call you; second, where the heck are we; third, what happened to the original us." Adriano asked, his gaze lost in the distance.

"You can call me Mew; I got it from uniting me and new. The second question will require a little bit to explain so let's skip to the third. According to what the system tells me, the elevator crashed, and everybody died, our old body has already received a funeral. No one is waiting for us back home." The last part came out almost like a whisper, Adriano felt his eyes get watery. Then suddenly he felt a warm sensation spread in his body.

"Are you drugging me again?" he sniffled. "Yes, should I stop?" asked Mew in a worried tone.

"... No." Answered Adriano sitting down.
