
Chapter 22

A book store in Konohagakure

Menma was about to go to Ichiraku's when he bumped into Naruto. He frowned at Naruto and said, "Watch where you are going. Anyways, where are you going?"

Naruto smiled widely and said, " I am going to the bookstore. You want to accompany me?"

Menma said, "Well, I have nothing to do so I will accompany you."

So the two of them went along to the bookstore and Naruto went to the section containing Master-Jiraiya where he met Kakashi. Semingly, both of them were searching for the same book. They bumped into each other just in front of the latest release in the Icha Icha series.

Naruto first saw him and greeted him, "Hi Kakashi Senpai. Its been a long time hasn't it senpai. Anyways, I am searchng for the latest release in the Icha Icha series. Did you find it by any chance?"

Kakashi looked surprised and baffled. He asked, "You are actually looking for it? Who else knows about this hobby of yours?"

Naruto said, "Perhaps tou-san. No one else"

Kakashi said, "You should be careful with it. There are many who oppose the great books."

Naruto nodded and said, " I agree."

Kakashi looked at Menma who was staring at them as though he knew nothing. Kakashi asked, "Well, Menma, what are you here for?"

Menma answered, "Ohhh, Naruto asked me to accompany him so I just came along."

Kakashi sighed. He told Naruto, "I am unable to find the new Icha Icha release. Where are they keeping it?"

Menma looked surprised that they didn't notice that the book was right in front of them. They were searching up and down, every nook and corner of the store for a book right in front of their eyes. He wondered what was so great about this book they were searching out. He took the liberty to say, "Hya, Naruto, Kakashi-san, the book you two are searching for is right in front of you guys." Saying so, he smiled.

The two of them exclaimed, "HUH!"

They looked right in front of them and there were only two copies of the book remaining had all been burnt by ravaging angry Kunoichi who kind of disgusted the books. Naruto and Kashi each teleported and shushined to the books, and picked them up and sighed a sigh of relief that the last copies were safe in their hands.

Naruto said, "I don't know why people dislike these books. These are few of the greatest books ever published and they burn it down. I really don't understand them."

Kakashi nodded in agreement. He said, "If in the worst case I become the Hokage, I shall ban the burning of these books so that all of us can read them happily."

Naruto smiled. He said, "That would be the greatest thing ever."

Meanwhile, Menma took Naruto's copy and read a few pages. He threw it back at Naruto who caught it with grace. He turned towards Menma who said, "Hya, I don't understand why you guys are talking like his about the book. In my eyes, this is just smut."

Naruto blinked in surprise. He said, "Well, read it from the first installment. Then give your opinion. If you want, I can hatch you up with a copy of all the installments."

Menma took a few steps back and said, "Hya, keep those books to yourself. I don't want to get burnt by Kunoichi."

Naruto sighed and said, "You yourself will come to me asking for a copy one of these days. I shall e waiting for it." He grinned widely. Menma did not like when he or Tou-san grinned. It gave a very very creepy feeling.

Kakashi said, " Now now, the two of you have team placements tomorrow if I am not wrong. Now you two should go back and get prepared. You might end up in unusual teams tomorrow. Ja ne."

Naruto smiled and replied, "Ja ne, Senpai."

Kakashi then shushined to the cashier, paid the price and left. Naruto said, "Menma, lets get going as well. We shall have a long day tomorrow." The both of them went to the cashier, paid for the book and went out. They then went to Ichiraku and had five bowls of Ramen each. They then left for their home. Upon reaching the Uchiha clan compound they were recieved by Izuna. Izuna was astounded by the book Naruto was holding in his hand. He asked in surprise, "Why do you have that book in your hand?" Menma smirked at Naruto. He laughed slightly and said, "You're busted"

Izuna nodded and said, "You would be, if Mito were here that is. I went to the bookstore to get myself a copy of this book when I saw many Kunoichi burning these down. Mito was one of them. I couldn't believe it. The first day and they burn the books apart. How did you get a copy of this?"

Menma's jaw dropped to the ground. Naruto said, "I was actually lucky to get a copy. There were only two copies of it remaining. I and Kakashi-senpai both were searching for it together. It was thanks to Menma that I got a copy. You can read it if you want." Izuna sighed in relief. He looked at Menma and said, "Thank you Menma. I have been waiting for the release of this book for months together. You will not believe just how unhappy and depressed I was when I saw that many people burning it down. Can you imagine how depressed ad angry you would feel if people burnt down your favorite Ramen? Yes, that is exactly how I felt."

Menma wa unble to believe his senses. He knew he would feel bad if someone burnt ramen in front of him, but tou-san felt like that about those books! He stepped back and said, "Hehe tou-san. Your welcome and good night." Saying so, he ran away so that he would not have to be near people who read such books.

Meanwhile, Izuna said, "Naruto, give me the book. I shall make a copy of i for myself using the Rinnegan and give i back to you tomorrow after your kenjutsu and Kami no Ken training."

Naruto handed the book, said, "Good Night" and teleported to his room. Izuna on the other hand went to his room and started making an Icha Icha copy for himself.
