

"Does my name spell f.o.o.l??"

Neil picked up the pillow that had fallen on the floor and sighed.Answering her,he asked,"What do you mean by that Mi Rae?"

She sat with on the bed with her arms crossed and answered,"Neil,you say you have accepted my feelings and are willing to try?But are you sincere or is this a half hearted attempt to pacify me?Do you think if you ignore me and are rude to me,I will leave you.I know you are a busy man and though I am currently out of work,there wll be times in the future when I may be as busy or more busy than you.So do not pretend that I am being unreasonable or asking you not to work.I just expect to be treated resectfully.If you are going to be rude about it,I don't need you!"Mi Rae finished the last sentence in a huff.
