
Angel's and Devil's Contract

The moment Alicia entered the room, she did not expect to be caught in such a magnetic gaze.She was no stranger to handsome men.Her ex was handsome and her best friend was handsome but this man was totally another league.She had seen pictures of Ryu Long but these pictures were nowhere near reality and he had a profile similar to Neil's but sharper and clearer.She wondered if the air in this room was heavy ,which is why she was having trouble breathing and was feeling faint..but she had a stinking feeling that it was because of this man.This Devil incarnate.

She went to sit and did not speak as they each stared at the other.

"So this woman was Little Alice!No wonder little Ru is totally smitten by her".She has the aura of an angel.Even though her clothes were modern and fashionable,her eyes were her most attractive feature.They seemed old as if they saw everything but did not judge you.They were comforting and accepting..as if life could throw anything and she would be able to take it.

"Bam!!"The door opened with a loud crash bringing both of them out of their reverie.

"Hey Al!"

"Hey Bro!!"

After giving a brief hug to Al and a nod to his bro,Neil sat down in the middle of the long table with his Devil brother on one side and his Angel Al on the other.

He,then proceeded to order a variety of dishes to the waitresses and asked them to be brought after 30 minutes only.The waitresses were quick to overcome their shock at seeing a third wheel and after taking orders left the room closing behind the doors softly.

He first addressed Al, "Al you know a bit of the story and I hope you have decided on your answer.The fact that you are here means that you have seriously considered this proposition so I am giving you more details.I guess you want to know why you and not someone else..First,To me you are the most trustworthy so I know Ru will be safe in your care in the future.Second,Ru has known you for almost a year now and is comfortable around you so in case if he is ever asked if he will accept a new step mother he should be able to accept you easily as he knows and loves you.Third,you are living on my estate which is neighboring to bro's so any suspicions that your engagement and marriage is fake can be overcome with claiming that you have already been in a relationship for over a year.We will not outright lie but only strech the truth a bit.

Neil,then addressed Ryu,"Bro,you trusted me to come up with a long term solution and this is my suggestion.I'd say a marriage contract for 5 years with a standard prenuptial protecting the interests of both parties."

From here on,for today,I will act as the middle man and answer any questions or concerns you have but let me remind you both I am trying to get you married so I will try my best to convince you.

Lastly,I am aware that you are both concerned about Ru so let me remind you that this marriage can guarantee that Ru will legally be in your care till he turns 18..after which it will be his choice..

Also,bro I know you did not want to bring a woman into this picture because you do not want Ru to form attachments which can hurt him later but he is already attached so please give me a positive answer.

After listening to Neil patiently Alicia was the first to reply,"Neil..my answer to this 5 year contract is...No..I am sorry.."

Dear readers,

Please excuse the fluctuations in upload timings as I am still making changes.

As you know I am a first time writer so I welcome all reviews and critics.

Please give this author your love and support.Thank you for reading

har_kcreators' thoughts