
Her Worry

When Xing and Chenglei went to the dining hall for lunch, Xing found out that conveniently, she was seated beside Chenglei. She didn't mind but the moment she entered, Ayane and Yukiko suddenly stood up and abandoning their husbands rearranged the seats and in the end, Xing was sitting between Ayane and Yukiko with all the men in the opposite side with a deep frown in their faces.

The three women noted their men were deeply displeased but they didn't care. Their men are going to be there always but not the girls.

Xing noticed Ryuga looking so dejected and felt bad for him. But she had no regrets refusing him.

"Yukiko! Find a good girl for Ryuga to marry", she urged her sipping the expensive wine Chenglei brought for her.

"I know",Yukiko nodded. It seemed like he realised he has no chance with her anymore. It is time for him to move on.
