
Chapter 5

"Yeah, I cut my hair! It's now collar bone length,"

Bea once again called Sheen who just got her hair cut.

She's been bugging her since the day she found out about the book.

It's been a week but Sheen hasn't yet written a single sentence.

"Hmm, I will see him later. I'll tell you the details especially about his looks, yeah. Bye."

Sheen's wearing an orange square pants top while her circle glasses makes her look younger.

She's in her favorite coffee shop, waiting for some random guy to walk by her and use him as a basis for the main character for her book,

"Ugh, they all look so old!"

She thought while looking around when a guy who is wearing a grey sweatshirt and sweatpants came in.

He looks like he just finished jogging, his brown curly hair and green eyes caught her attention.

"He's the one!"

She thought while looking at him and taking down the notes of his physical attributes,

"Green eyes, curly brown hair,"

She whispers while the man exactly walks by her hearing her, he just smirks.

He orders cappuccino drink, making Sheen take that note.

When he got his drink, he looks directly at Sheen who is unconsciously looking at him while guessing his height.

He smiles while walking towards her then sat in front of her.

If you can name a weird thing about Sheen, it is being too focused when she's writing.

She just continuously writes while looking at him and she even asks about the mole in his temple and lips,

"You have two moles, one in your temple and one in your.. there?"

She points to his temple and to his upper lip where the moles are, and while looking at his lips, she licks her lips making him laugh that woke her up.

"Wait, what, why, when..."

Her eyes are as wide as her imagination, she's looking at him embarrassed while he just laughs his head off.


He continued the Wh-questions of Sheen who's covering her face with her notebook.

"Hey, I read those. I'm a character for what? I did look good with how you described me."

He said, he takes a sip of his cappuccino and bites lips his lower lip like he's trying to seduce Sheen who swallows while looking at him.

"No! I am not gonna fall for that hot lip!"

She thought, but she did take note of how he drinks his coffee.

"So, Sheen. Why did you not come home early? I was waiting for you the whole night."

He said while he's looking at her seriously like he's a husband who did not blink an eye while waiting for his wife to come home.

She blushed because it did make her imagine him waiting for her at home while the kids are sleeping,

"What! What are you talking about?"

She brushed her imaginations off,

"Well, I did wait for you. I didn't know my fiance's with another man. If I did, I wouldn't have waited at your home but I'd go to your workplace instead."

He said while Sheen tries to remember if someone did wait for her and when it hit her, she blushed like her face is Rudolf's nose.

"Ha! I got you! Now you remember me!"

She was speechless while thinking he's her fiance!

The good-looking character is the best husband type!

She's internally fangirling, "Bea, wait for this!" she thought.

"Now, how should you repay me, fiance?" He said while smirking.

"Sorry Boss's Boss, I can't help but like your fiance!" he thought while turning his phone off.

"Uhm," Sheen is still fangirling, she can smell his fragrance with the strong wind from outside.

Even though he's quite sweating, he still smell like he's the one for her-- for the story.

"Uhm, I can tell you what my story is about."

She blurted out and realizes after that she doesn't even have a story yet.

"Okay, go ahead. I'd be happy to be the first to know that while everyone is dying to wait for your book," he said while his hands are resting on his hands.

While looking at him, a thought struck.

"Honestly, I don't have any story yet. But since you are my fiance, would you be nice to help me come up with a story?"

To his unbelief, he felt honored then he laughed, "Nah, I don't want to ruin your career," he said.

"But you see, I can tell you a love story and you can use it as a basis. It's about a man who used other people to get his love but only to lose her to the person he asked to help him, A.K.A. his bestfriend. It goes like this.."
