
Chapter 9


Hey everybody!! It's the Author here!! So I just realized I haven't introduced Jake Pitts into the story and I'm sorry!! I have been trying to figure out how his character will be but I remembered a little fact about his life and I'm gonna use that to to help with his personality.

Once again.

I'm sorry!!




Andy woke up by the sound of someone banging on his door.

He got up out of his chair and thought to himself, "Ugh...I should've refilled on my coffee so I wouldn't have fell asleep reading."

Then when the banging didn't calm down or nothing he shouted "WHO IS IT?? IF IT'S SOMEONE WANTING ME TO BUY ANYTHING THEN LEAVE!!"

But it wasn't nobody of that sort.

Andy heard a shy-like response of "It's me Andy" and he automatically knew who it was.

He opened the door and saw his band member Jake Pitts standing in his doorway.

"Hey Jake, what did they tell you to get me for this time?"

Jake looked at his shoes to hide his face so Andy doesn't know that he had been up all night crying.

"CC said that he needed you that it was an emergency and he could possibly die so he told me that since I run fast that I could get here better than him."

Andy sighed and said "Okay come on Jake let's go see what this nut case wants this time he probably wants me to do his taxes."

"Y-yeah...Maybe" Jake said still not looking up.

Andy knew what was up but he knew it was a touchy subject for Jake so he didn't mention it so he just headed to CC's.
