
Reverse Mountain

A shudder ran through my taut shoulders as I looked seriously at the looming behemoth in front of us, while Fawkes had spent ages trying to dissuade me against the endeavor that it seemed to him, I was hell bent on accomplishing, we were still here before the mighty cape that existed between the many blues in what I hoped was a suicidal enough undertaking to cause even fate to be impressed enough to allow pass.

of course it would do this discourse well for me to first offer some form of context to the whole thing before it would come to pass for me to describe this disastrous adventure, so here I go.

I had in all of my infinitely small wisdom, decided that I would not step into the grand line before I had assembled my crew, therefore since I planned to scout within the confines of west blue for potential crew members, I first had to somehow find my way to west blue without entering the grand line.

Conventionally inter-blue travel could only be accomplished through either using the calm belt to enter into the grand line through machine or otherwise Boa Hancock like means and then do the same on the other side to enter the other blue.

This plan would go directly against my now-in-hindsight stupid decision and therefore I had chosen one of the two lesser dangerous plans instead.

And that, ladies and Gentlemen was to use the Reverse Mountain! Conventionally the mountain worked like a slide, where on one side one would have to get onto the mountain while the downward slope led into the grand line, but, if one were to somehow gather enough momentum to somehow jump the borders of the mountain slide one would be able to get a free fall into any of the other blues.

Of course I knew that this plan was so riddled with holes that it made my ship blush with shame, it nonetheless was something I had chosen and so I was determined to stick with it.

So, we come back to the here and now, with me staring at the monstrosity that was the entrance to the ye olde mother of all adventure, the grand line. And I had to say the author of the original novel had not done it justice!

. The mountain held none of the ominous appeal that I had unconsciously associated to it while I had hatched my plan, for which at various instances I had second guessed, nonetheless, I felt that if I broke the promise I had made to myself right now, then I would not have any confidence in fulfilling the one I had made to myself and my father all those years ago.

The Stone that touched the skies lay basking in the otherwise pleasant morning with the sea breeze gently caressing my face, the sea green ocean water weathered harshly against the walls of the ancient structure, with the roar of the distant downward slide acting as a constant reminder of the temptation that the endless world of adventure held in store for me.

The towering walls and the gate like structures glinted with an unreal gleam, and the hull of the ship grunted in preparation of the impending jolt that would accompany the tug of the water as we entered the proximity of the nearing structure.

The entirety of my rather small crew stood solemnly behind my back silently awaiting my order for when we would hit the proverbial lift off.

I could already feel the dangerous tug of the rapids increase and the roar of the water reach a new crescendo while the sun glared down at us with a judgmental vigor, the breeze picked up, becoming more violent as we drew closer, first becoming a swift wind before jumping up with a bellow and forming a thunderous gale that tore at our sails hungrily.

The ship creaked as the mast bent somewhat to the side, the marine flag that was hoisted on the top over the crow's nest (Which we had been too lazy to remove, procrastinating for the eventual coming of our crews flag to replace it) flapped erratically in the wind swirling rapidly in the sky. The faded paint on the side of the ship, stood despotically in the light reflecting off of the canal as the motley sign of my amendment to the original words stared in an ugly yellow hue.

As we neared the base of the mountain the water at the base of the ship thudded against the hull, and with a huge jolt the ship began to shake precariously , "To your positions, man the sail! fasten the riggings, man the steering wheel, boys and girl this is it, we're sailing close to the wind, harken me laddies-" I was rudely interrupted by what felt like a shoe from the general direction of Fawkes, though I am sure that he had his hands full with furling the sails and fixing the riggings.

Me on the other hand, stood in the middle of the ship while I slowly used Conqueror's Haki to bolster the ship. This was something my father taught me.

'Why is it that even before shipwrights became such a paramount force within the new world, there were still people that ventured into the deep sea? It is because of this technique, the one who has the will of a king needs not a kings vassal to be recognized, a king is a king regardless of his vassal, though if you have the opportunity to one day have a king's vassal do not hesitate for in that case you not only have a trusty ship, but also an irreplaceable comrade!' he had said one day as I returned from training, and this was something I had looked into immediately after that, after all it was something I was sure I would need.

Slowly my Haki ran through the wood of the boat settling into every crevice and empowering the wooden structure, my hair whipped around me in the fast breeze as I stood still bracing my legs for the eventual impact, we were about to hit the reverse mountain, in more ways than one…

here begins the meager 'mass release' that accompanies the last of my holidays.... Adios for a while bois

Raiohosorecreators' thoughts