
Vol1 Earth-1-

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"The country I live, is shown as the most populous, busiest, poorest and most reserved country in the world.

Well, is it really?

The innocent jokes look bright and harmless. Because of the bright and innocent news programs, these jokes and made up tales..destroyed countries, became reasons of lost islands and destroyed lives more than world wars.

Why would you talk about a country If you don't really know and didn't actually see?

Isn't the most logical thing to go and see? "

The young man, *Gong Yun*, who doesn't like his own name and loves to argue with Eren, said these words.

While preparing a breakfast table for his master in a Magical Fantasy Planet named Kelewan..

--- ... ---

Eren could not set foot on Earth as someone who already died in the Earth.

No matter what he do, Eren didn't have a bond or a future with this planet anymore.

But for Gong Yun, everything was just the beginning to him.

He went to "Kelewan Planet" many times but didn't forget his usual life that he worked hard to get. Yun continued his life properly between two planets.

"You're so energetic this morning, grandma!"

The owner of the apartment where Yun lives was carrying some boxes. This old woman was also running a small market next to the building. Gong Yun always wanted to help, but he didn't with complex feelings. He would just say "good morning" shyly and greet this grandma. But he definitely didn't help even once.

He always felt guilty about it somewhere inside.

But now as he greeted, he ran without even asking and started moving the boxes to the market. They weren't heavy, and he didn't think the old woman would get tired. But how accurate to call yourself as a "Good person"If you are hesitating and doing nothing in these simple things.

Actually, doing something without thinking and without a reward, felt good. He looked around in the market for a few moments and took out soy sauce and some vegetables for lunch. Also some snacks and juice to enjoy at home. He paid cash and turned to his apartment.

"Hey, have you seen the boy. Did something bad happen to Yun lately?"

"Oh Gon Yun! Not that I know. He's still working in the corner restaurant and looking for a permanent job with his degree. But I was having a conversation when his family recently arrived. Nothing bad happened. Why did you ask granny?"

"I don't know. I've been seeing this boy for years, and it's weird. Anyway, put these on the shelf. I'm going for a walk."

"Okay, granny .."

After a short conversation at the small supermarket, old people continued their usual day happily. Yun didn't notice the strange impression he left behind.

He had changed. But there was still time before he realize it himself.


Yun spent his days at home with a cheap new computer. He used to do his breakfast on the other side after so many days between two planets. But he could come back in time do his lunch in his little house.

Actually Gong Yun came this city before the University times. He came early and searched the perfect place to live in. Also he was already working when the classes started in that year. This shop was his saviour in the last five years.


The restaurant was busy in the evenings and did not open the shop in the mornings. So Gong Yun, his silly boss and cooking aunties were already use to this life style.

The mornings were usually spent in the other world. Gong Yun called in the mornings everyday by his master by magic. After the breakfast he would come back with the same magic. Actually this habit of theirs was something Eren did for his research. Somehow he was trying to figure out how that ridiculous spell worked.

After coming back, Gong Yun would go shopping or just walk a little. Then he start to study for his master. Before lunch, there were many sessions of different sides of Science and Constraction. There were many things to memorize in the time between his lunch and the time around 3:00 in the afternoon.

"Basic mathematics and basic biology are vital informations to survive in Kelewan. We need them. Also geography and chemistry related to specific topics must be explored and studied.

Also some random stuff are needed in the other side, and Gong Yun was the only one who can memorize that stuff. Actually his memory wasn't that good to begin with. But with force, he tried to memorize and adapted to this pace. Entering the online libraries or video websites and researching different histories of a single thing was taxing to his memory. But he had to do it.

For example, the materials used to make a modern house(as a building) were different in the 1900s and 1500s. As the technology evolved, each material and method developed further.

"Just because we call them "developments" doesn't mean that they are better! How were they building a apartment in the old days? I need useful methods from the oldest ages! Fucking Kelewan Planet doesn't have technology. Damn it. I need old and ancient versions of everything!!"

Because of the lack of technology in Kelewan, he had to learn both technology and information from the past. He was the only person in this side. Taylor was mentally crazy for some reason. So Yun was the only one who can actually develop a different planet from this side's technology.

Good thing was his Master Eren didn't has big dreams like using modern panzers or planes and building high tech nuclear power plants. He was just wishing a good place to live and halfly sterile toilets to use.


So Yun read a lot about construction, health and basic goods transportation methods. He examined the paintings and drawings. Also took notes and passed the notes to his memory with shity methods.

"There are too many documentaries!"

He had found hundreds of beautiful documentaries about the history of construction. But the trouble was that it would take several months to watch them all. Actually these was just the official documentaries. There were also thousands of not pro videos about different needs.

Gong Yun sighed and jumped two documentaries he already watched yesterday. He opened the third documentary and continued.

He has not yet passed to the research time for other side and has not even read the books about important stuff. This was just the first part of his morning memorizing time.


Hours followed by several basic health and construction documentaries. He followed the channels of the creative people he found from Youku.

When he looked at clook and shut down the computer. In the last hours he took and memorized tons of things but.

Huuh (he yawned)

"This is like a single grain of sand in a huge desert. Now..Keys, cellphone, today's book, perfume and wallet."

As he exited the door, he checked everything and walked to a small corner on the other side of the neighborhood. As he passed through a long and narrow alley, he saw wet clothes hanging on his head. There were tons of strings between buildings and people used them to dry their cloths most of the time.

He heard the talk about the aunties who were shouting from the window to the window between two block.

He saw the pleasure of riding a bicycle on the face of a young girl passing by and smiled.

When he finally got out of the alley, he was out of a small and quiet neighborhood.

But now, it was like he stepped into a different world. There were no small houses and old apartments anymore. Yun was now in the square with high-rise buildings, lots of shops and a busy street.

He greeted familiar two uncles and also hit to a young man who was trying to get a cigarette from a buffet. As he apologized and walked to his work place, Yun looked at a few nice looking girls for a short time. He was a young man. Like you don't look at the opposite gender while walking ha!

He saw the window of his workplace with a big sign and opened the newly closed door again. As soon as he entered, he escaped heat from the outside.

"Ha. it's like there is an air conditioner. Weird.."

Yun threw away his book on the first table in the cozy restaurant and walked further inside.

The spicy food smells in the shop were too much on the kitchen side. But Yun's nose was already used to these scents. He didn't even notice the smell.

He's been working in this store for the last three years. He had previously been a waitress at another restaurant across the street. No more smells or heavy work pace meant to him.

He sat down next to the middle-aged single man who owned the establishment and looked in the kitchen.

"Uncle Wei. May I ask you something?"

The shop owner immediately snorted and shook his head. "No. You certainly can't ask! At least leave me alone for today."


Yun nodded his head and tried not cry.

"Uncle, this is an expensive air conditioner!"

Yun finally saw the phantom of a huge two meter long cooler near the door of the kitchen.

"Why uncle? Just WHYYY !?"

"It was on a discount. But I bargained a lot and ..it was a good deal. Believe me Yun! I dropped the price. Don't worry. I even.. didn't use your salary this time. Hahaha.."

The man named Wei Qi was not a good bargainer. He had a bad history with shopping. Gong Yun couldn't take his pay for a few times in the past.

Gong Yun "..."


There was no work in that hour. Except for few incoming customers, it was a quiet time. At this period, he sat down next to the door and read the book he brought with him.

"History of the Earth for Dummies"

Those who saw the book could think that he was reading a classic scripture or something scientific. But it was actually a very basic book for middle school level kids. More than half of it was full of colorful pictures.

Gong Yun was able to get to the half of that book by midnight. Every now and then, many customers came and that day was a busy day unlike usual rhythm.

Sometimes they were selling local foods like dumplings. But sometimes some customers just wanted snacks like local Pancakes or Duck Necks. The shop did not work during the day but it was a little bit chaotic in after the eve hours. It was as if they were giving free food.

The reason for this was that people living in the back-neighborhood were in their jobs throughout the day. After they come to the neightborhood it was their usual place to celebrate or just have fun with each other. Besides this restourant's main targets were big family or friend groups.

When these arrivals were always regular customers, Yun didn't take orders most of the time and went to the kitchen with head-wavings of customers.

When it was midnight, restaurant was still working. But, Yun left the place and walked around the avenue. He was really working hard, and now it was time to walk around a few bars to relax. Just looking over to some crowded places was a good way to forget worries.

He saw some people were singing, drinking beer or listening to the music of the groups.

Yun was always envious to these people. When he had time, he wanted to have fun in bars with live music. He promised himself to do it when he has enough money and free time.

"But when a world is already enough, now the burden of the two worlds on my shoulders ...huhhh (slowly yawns)"

While Yun was staring and listening some groups in one of the cafes, someone just bumped him. So Gong Yun just didn't mind and look at the person coming after him.

"I'm really sorry, bro. I was careless."

This sound was a little bit familiar. Yun looked at the side of the voice and remembered.

"We hit each other noon ..!

"Noon, Ah I remember now! Was that you. What a coincidence. Among all the people, we bumped each other two times in a day. It must be fate."

Yun smiled slightly while the two strangers looked at each other. He didn't mind the exaggerated words of this stranger. He didn't load a different meaning. He just smiled and raised his hand which was inside his pocket.

"It may be fate to bump into you a second time brother. Actually today I was really lax." Gong Yun politely answered.

"Yes it must be fate. I live especially nearby and I have never seen you. Are you new here?"

That's when Yun was a little surprised. More than a million people living in this city. Why did he wonder to not see me before.. It is the most basic thing in big cities.

"I have been living here for the last five years since I came to the University, brother."

"Hah. My clan and it's Central base is really nearby. So I have been on this street in my every free time since I was a child."

Yun didn't answer or ask questions. Deep down, he thought this guy might be a little crazy. He had black hair, a fairly good length, and a handsome face. If it wasn't the plain t-shirt on the top and the simple short on the bottom, this stranger could definitely be playboy.

Pity. Looks like we shouldn't just focus the looks. Sometimes mental health is very important. I wonder if he'il be okay in the future.

"You can't be living here for the last five years!" At the end, the stranger, as though he was sure, said to Yun in a surely tone. He had the same curiosity in his eyes.

But Yun was already prepared for this situation. "Look, brother. Do you see the market on the opposite side of road?"


"Well, you know the old owner, and he tricked a lot of people in the neighborhood, and I know a car just got into that store right there..

Look, the little daughter of the owner of that store there ... what was the name of the girl..Aaah- BiYu-or something alike... his girl Biyu ran away and married with a boy from another town. There was a motor accident last week ....

When Yun gave dozens of details, the foreign man continued to listen with his surprise. In the end, he could not stand still and cut Gong Yun's words.

"Well, my bro. I see a magician like you for the first time here. Also I couldn't be possibly see you and forgot right? As you can see, there are only a few wizards around here. They are the native people who lived here for generations. They have been here before even I was born.

For 5 years, have you been hiding your energy? "

Gong Yun ".?."

Gong Yun took his left hand which was still inside of his pocket and clenched fists with both hands. He wasn't as surprised as when he went to another planet and actually a "fucking magical world" which his master Eren like to say.

Then is there magicians here? On Earth!!! Like the Kelewan?

All the human history...but technology and history we studied in schools!! Were they bunch of lies?Before even thinking about several questions, Gong Yun remembered a line from a famous book and movie series.

*"Harry, you are wizard!!"

His mind was in chaos because he didn't expect this strange possibility. But.. With a deep breath, Gong Yun tried to relax and open his mouth with overwhelming feelings.

"Then Mag... mm ... you're a ...mmm...mag....magician?"

Firstly How..?


no maybe, since When...

Oh wait. The real question is;



*Wei Qi: is a unisex name in China. It is not a common name and it means both lucky and unlucky at the same time. There are other meanings for every name in the whole world. But I choose this name with this meaning :)

*This chapter is a bit long. But I don't care. Bööö..

SimbiyoZ-The Tale of Immortality-Vol1 is now here.

I am excited to say this. All of the SimbiyoZ's stroryline and the continue storie of this book "ElementA(The Second Book)" is related with this vol1.

*SimbiyoZ and ElementA actully already written but because they were written in another Language :/ So I'm re-writing everything to English.

Also changing more than half of everything- to better adapt them to universal cultures. :( T is tired.

/ T

Tolunaycreators' thoughts