
Enemies In The Spirit Cave (2/2)


"They stopped?" Untamed Image said when he noticed that the movements of Reilei's group had come to a sudden halt. His class specialized in tracking skills; therefore, he had been carefully monitoring the group from a distance and found it strange that they had stopped.

"Could they be preparing for a fight?" Tarpeak questioned.

"I'm not sure. But, if they are, we should hurry and get into position so that we can take advantage of the situation. Let's go." Untamed Image commanded as Tarpeak, and the other four members of Sage Falls increased their speed.


"There's another group that seems to be going after the same prey as us. What should we do?" Violence is Fire asked with a smirk on his face.

"Let's see what they indeed to do. We will let them play the role of the cicada. In the end, it is the one who takes upon the role of the oriole who walks away the winner." Dead Fire stated with a vicious grin on his face.
