
Reaching Everpeak

Once the initial mixed feelings of shock and excitement died down, Izroth walked over to pick up the loot that Zephyr dropped after his defeat. While Zephyr only left behind three things, it was understandable after seeing just what one of the items were.


The Skill Book: Warpath Blade: Gale Zone Guard was the fourth skill book that Izroth had come across after eliminating countless monsters and numerous bosses within RML. It may have been due to his 1 Luck stat, however, it was abnormal for any player to run into that many skill books!

Shadow Movement, Behemoth's Quake, Death Chant, and now the Warpath Blade: Gale Zone Guard. Unfortunately, the Death Chant skill book that was dropped by Nekrostis was incompatible with his class as it was designed for a magic caster. However, it still did not change the fact that his luck was exceptional.

Skill Name: Warpath Blade: Gale Zone Guard

Skill Level: 1/4

Skill Rank: A
