

Sara "are you an idiot, how could you move in front of that tiger I told you to not move didn't I, what happened if you die right here".

I got ashamed a can't say a thing well my mind does not think properly that time. While Sara was scolding me that little girl gets off from the tree while crying, she hugs Sara and starts crying moor.

Marry "sister Sara waaa…"

Sara "It is all right, I am here to protect you it is going to be fine".

Alien "rain is getting more and more we better took a place to spend the night"

Sara nod and say "yes, but we have to be careful especially from wolf"

Alin "Why?".

Sara sigh and say "wolf hunt in the pack no matter how many I kill they will keep coming you understand".

Alin "yes"

Sara "you have never been in the forest like this before"

Alin "I have but where I was it was a lot safer" (Because it was a tourist forest)

Sara "see that mountain if we move through there we might find a cave there".

So we start moving through the mountain where Sara point wind starts howling and lightning start striking up in the sky so look like they're going to be a storm.

When we try moving a lightning string really close to a tree like 1000m from where we start, we are increasing our speed, but again a lightning strike where we were and little after a lightning strike again. What's going on is this some why is so may charge build-up in the cloud in this place can't you strike somewhere else or is it someone is on brake throw come on this is real life there no way such a thing.

We are moving and while I was thinking of lightning we heard a howling sound when we see in front there is a wolf and through the bushes there more coming and the look of it the first one is got to be the Alpha. What the hell I am thinking. it looked like our life end here for sure that is how you react you, idiot.
