

"Oh God, I am going to die please stop I can't run anymore"

Sara "You only run 5 rounds and you are like that, come on, show me that person who chose the high-speed wagon by running"

Alen "God please stop I can't oh…"

Sara "I can't believe you are the same person who saves the princess twice now run 5 more laps if you want to be strong"

Alen "I am done I am going to die here "mom" "Liz" I am going to wait for you guy's in heaven"

Sara "quit Moning and start running"

Alen "Yes Mam".

After the running we go to where everyone swings swords and sparring with each other I was hoping to watch them from the sideline, but I bet some of the guys going to beat the crap out of me why do I say to become stronger I am really regretting it now. When I was regretting what I said one of the guys come to "Sara" and said

"commander [fairy knight] may I have a fight with the new kid for his fighting experience?"

The one who said is called "Kail" I heard he also have a name like [Fairy Knight] his title is [Bones Crusher] because he is the strongest in his league.

Sara "no, he's my pray"

with eyes like a lion watch his pray seriously, I really have a bad feeling about this. And that "Kail" guy looking at me with angry eyes don't know why

Sara "let see how you fight Kid"

when she says a kid like that it pisses me off I wasn't serious, but now I have to show my man's pride I say to Sara

"My name is Alen if you want to call me then call me by my name even I want to say that but what I really want to say is please go easy on me"
