
RULE 3 -- l i g h t a n d t i e s

R:Btm | Chapter 2: Light and Ties

Staring in a trance at those flickering brown orbs, I tilted my head to the side, appearing to be curious at these newcomers in a calm way. In fact, I was far from calm. Very, very far from it.

Inside my head, deep within my mind, little chibi me speculated theories again and again on how the actual *bleep* was he here?! Should they really meet that early or was this a possible side effect of my coming? A butterfly effect? Heck, I haven't even come out of the house for 6 years! And our house is from the other way of the street, not beside, nor near it. Wait, did mother know his mom since while back?

I look up at the tall figure of my amused mother and her giggling friend. Knowing what I wanted to ask even without me speaking of it, she introduced us to the other. Of course, not without that fleeting moment of laughter at her very own distressed daughter might I add, while spoke in her soothing voice that did its magic in calming my jump nerves, even if it was for a little bit.

"Dear, this here is your auntie Nana and her son, Tsunayoshi-kun. And this is my first daughter and second child, Ketsuron. Now, say hi." Without waiting for my decision nor complaint, with a single gentle push, immediately pushed me towards the smiling woman and her nervous son.

Of course, despite being nervous at meeting this world's favoured son, I still remember my etiquette. With a practised formal bow, I greeted with the same blank expression and calm voice. 

"Good morning, Aunt Nana, Tsunayoshi-san." And as much as I want to create a favourable first impression as a calm, scholarly child, my squeaky, immature voice as a child immediately ruins it. Look! Instead of being amazed by this lady's mature greeting, she is cooing at me! At me! Wu, my pride as a grown-up woman, ah!

"Now, now, how about you two go play around while I and your Ma-Auntie go talk around, okay?" Nodding in consent and already knowing the rules, I guided the timid boy out of the house. And as much as I look like I was calm and unperturbed at the other's presence, I was, in fact, jittery and tense behind the exterior. If I was uncomfortable a while ago, now that we were alone, made me even more nervous.

Oh god, do I hurl my stomach out? Faint? Or feign sickness?

Call me insensitive, cowardly, or exaggerated, but if you were in my place, and as an average high schooler that has not seen blood in real life, suddenly meet the future leader of the infamous Vongola family that meets death and injury in their everyday life, how would you feel? 

In my state of raging waves and perturbed storms, I never noticed that we were already seated in the dining room. The light from the french window did no injustice at his appearance, appearing even more angelic and pure from the warm rays of the summer sun. Of course, a calming effect would have happened if not for his obvious high-strung nerves.

Now that we were quite far from the chattering voices of our mothers, an uncomfortable silence once again ensued between the two of us. And for the first time, I am actually wishing for the presence of my loud-mouthed brother and kind little sister. They would actually fair more in communicating and comforting the lad than me, a serious, introverted reader that does reading rather than talking.

Seriously, searching my memories for anything we can talk about, I can only find topics unbefitting for us and my age. Like, the memories of the KHR plot. That is my most vivid, exciting memory rather than those plain old book. But who would suddenly tell all of this to the main protagonist of the sad story? And he even has a high intuition (despite the fact he hasn't awakened it) but still!

"Um...Hello?" Bursting me out of my train of thoughts was cute, meek voice. Looking up (just when did I look down?), what greeted me was the image of a Tsunayoshi. Why with an "a"? Maybe it's because of his personality. Despite being nervous, he still has the confidence to ask and tell what he was thinking, rather than remaining as a stone.

Hah, this boy is too kind. Or maybe because he had enough of the awkward meeting and decided to push through it and ask? How brave.

"...Hi. You may already know me from the earlier introductions, but let me introduce myself. I am Sasagawa Ketsuron. You can call me Shu." Ah, he looks quite surprised. am I speaking to formal? Too fast? Or maybe because of my name?

"Despite Shu being far (very, very far) from Ketsuron, I...chose that nickname...since...Ketsuron is too long..." Uma! I feel like a young, bashful lady confessing, ah!

"I...I am Sawada Tsunayoshi. But mama calls me Tsuna! Um...papa calls me Tsuna-fish...um, I am 5." When he raised his hands and five fingers to show me his age, I feel so shaken. Tuna is so moe! So meng! So kawaii!

"Un. I am six. Um, where do you study?" Good. Good. Keep going Ketsuron! You're doing great!

"Nami--more...Prepa--or-tory? I think. And school."

"Namimori Preparatory School? Ah, what a coincidence. My little sister also goes to that school. Say, do you know Sasagawa Kyoko? Is she in your class?"

Small talks were asked and done, and soon enough, we became quite comfortable with each other until it was already one in the afternoon. Which means...

The door to the dining room abruptly opened, revealing small and quite tall figures with differing hair colour of white and orange.

"Good afternoon to the extreme, Ketsuron! Ma said we have guests!"

"Onee-chan!-- Are, who is he?"

And there they go. When you need them, they are absent. When you wish for peace, boom, they appear. Yay.

Breathing out a sigh, I introduced the newcomers and the guest with each other politely.

"Ryohei and Kyoko, my siblings, Tsunayoshi, Aunt Nana's son." This should take care of it. Since they are here, I see no reason to stay anymore.

Standing up from my seat, with a practised jump, hopped out from the tall furniture and to the waxed floor with my short legs, intending to leave the three so they can at least cultivate some of their feelings. Just as I was about to leave, a distinct feeling of a small hand pulling my shirt made me stop.

Turning around, there I saw the culprit. With his pleading brown eyes and cute pout for me to stay, my intention of leaving earlier swayed. Goodness, when they said that beauty can make people bend...and to think it was true...

And that was the reason why I find myself in the middle of this group. With a comfortable Tsuna pinching my shirt, a boisterous loud twin telling his stories, and a giggling sister; life now seemed more loud and bright.

It was warm and comforting to the mind and heart, but...a bit too blinding.
