
(Title is a Spoiler)

"Second Brother, you're scaring Xiulan too much," Jin Liwei said. "Why don't you just tell us what's really going on?"

Wang Yingjie chuckled. "I think you already have an idea, Third Brother."


Iris looked back and forth between the two men. Seeing her man's demeanour which was the total opposite of hers, she also started to calm down. If Jin Liwei wasn't worried, she didn't have anything to worry about. She trusted him more than anyone else. 

"Look here again." Wang Yingjie pointed at the ultrasound monitor. "This little bean here is Baby A and this other one is Baby B." Then he once again faced them and gave a big smile. "Congratulations. You two are going to become parents to twins in a few months."

Iris' mind went blank. "W-what?"

Wang Yingjie was calm as he told her, "Xiulan, you're pregnant. You're going to be a mother."
