
She would not leave without saying goodbye

Ryn sat with Mika, having the snacks happily. She has already forgotten about the 'quarrel' she had with Jeremy. She already threw the thought away once she tasted the fruit salad. She did not know what type of sauce it was but once it entered her mouth, she just could not stop eating it.

Mika was chatting with her husband while eating. She was no longer complaining about Jeremy but more into exchanging love words with him. She already missed him but they could not meet and spend time together when he was busy working in another country. He had to go abroad to deal with prospective business cooperation. 

Ryn finished her portion of snacks before she went to gather the dishes to the side. She looked around but could not see him anywhere. She frowned. Was he still in the bedroom sulking?

She shook her head tiredly. This childishness was getting to her nerve. 
