
I want to move out (6)

Ryn stroke Mika's hand, weeping. She let go of her mask right there and then, showing the vulnerable side of hers despite the Long family and even Jason there. She could no longer pretend to be tough and cold-hearted. Mika was her best friend, her other half. She could not picture her life without Mika in it.

Jeremy wanted to touch her, to pull her in his arms. Somehow he felt like Ryn was blaming herself for this.

Ryn wiped the tears from her face and looked at the sobbing Mrs Long. Her eyes went wet again and another fresh tears ran down her cheeks.

Jeremy, Jason and Mr Long shared a desperate look. When would the women stop crying? Would the cry wake Mika up from her 'slumber'?

None even noticed the slight movement coming from Mika. It was a slight movement of her eyelids.

It took the women half an hour before the tears finally stopped. The men let out a sigh of relieved. Finally. Finally, they did not have to watch the waterpot.
