
Training Ground

Arran approached the camp cautiously, following a good hundred paces behind the short man who had unknowingly guided him there.

There were about a dozen people present, with most of them gathered around a cooking fire at the center of the camp. Several of the others were sleeping in tents, despite it only being late afternoon — a sign that they'd been out on patrol through the night, Arran thought.

He was convinced that these were all Hunters, but he wasn't too worried about being discovered. Even if they somehow managed to detect him despite his improved Shadowcloak, he was certain they couldn't simply see through it. And in a fight, that meant he would be at an advantage, with his opponents facing an enemy they could not see.

Still, he did not abandon caution altogether. Even if he was confident in his chances if battle broke out, killing Hunters so close to their own lands would draw far too much attention.
