
Will you trust me

Lu Cheng frowns doubtfully and looks at his hands strangely. 'I am just holding her-'. His face turned stern looking at her swollen wrist and takes his hand off immediately.

Tang Xi bites her lip and holds her wrist by other hand.

Lu Cheng looks at her worriedly "Did Rouxi do this to you?!".

Tang Xi grits her teeth and looks at him darkly.

Lu Cheng tries to hold her shoulder "Lets treat this!".

Tang Xi takes a step back avoiding him "I will do it myself".

Lu Cheng gets sad and agrees "Then I will accompany-".

Tang Xi declares "Stop it Cheng! Stop fooling me!".

Lu Cheng looks at her worriedly "Wifey! I am not-".

Tang Xi throws her hands up helplessly "There you go! You always cover everything with this word! I don't understand what are you! Why are treating me like ...".

She cries devastated "I can't even blame you! You treat me like a queen in a moment and make me feel like nothing in next second! Whenever I feel like understanding you completely, you spoil everything just like that!".

Lu Cheng looks at her keenly as she didn't talk much about her feelings before.

Tang Xi sits leaning to the wall tired "Just what are you doing?! Why are you spoiling everything?! Why are you hiding everything?! I am tired of being dumb Cheng! It hurts when I was fooled..by you..".

Lu Cheng kneels before her and forwards his hand to wipe her tears.

Tang Xi turns her face bitterly "What's the need for this when you are the reason for these tears? What do you want?! What are you afraid of?".

Lu Cheng gets uncomfortable seeing her devastated "Don't cry. Its not good for you to-".

Tang Xi asks painfully "Are we really together just for these babies? Are you with me just because you are taking responsibility-".

He frowns "What are you spouting?!".

She wipes her tears angrily "If you are doing all this for me to take responsibility, then please don't! I don't want to trap you! Please let me go! I don't wish to snatch other's-".

Lu Cheng hugs her suddenly "Shut up! Hell with the responsibility! Why are you talking nonsense!".

She grips his shirt tight and says crying "I never wished for anything other than a normal life! Why is it getting difficult for me? Don't I deserve even a simple life?".

Lu Cheng pecks her forehead and says "You deserve everything Wifey! Not only a simple life...a happy life-".

She shakes him angrily "Then why don't I deserve to know you completely?! What are your so called secrets?! And why was I kept in dark ?! What could I do if even you treat me like this? Don't I really deserve your trust? Why aren't you trusting me?!".

Lu Cheng gulps hearing her questions and have no words to comfort her.

Tang Xi looks at him anxiously "Will you trust me if I promise that I will never leave you?".

Lu Cheng gets emotional looking at her defeated face.

She tries to convince him "What if I sign a contract that I will never leave you! Even if your secrets are too dangerous, I would never think about leaving you! Alright?".

Lu Cheng looks at her overwhelmingly and asks "Won't you leave me if you know my disgusting past?!".

Tang Xi whines "I don't care your past! I am just confused because you make me confused! You said you hate her but you run to save her risking yourself! You could have pulled her before the rack fell on her, but you chose to risk your life! Why?! Are you fooling me or fooling yourself Cheng?! Why do you always chasing her away? What are you afraid of?! Are you afraid of her presence?".

Lu Cheng frowns "I am not! I don't want to allow her to cause you any trouble!". He holds her hand angrily "Can't you see what she had done?! She could do anything in jealousy!".

Tang Xi looks at him desolately "I don't mind! I don't mind her at all! I mind when you speak one and do a completely contrasting thing! Tell me! What's in your mind? What are you thinking?!".

Lu Cheng stands uneasily and holds his head frustrated. 'Should never fall for a clever woman! She comes back to the point all the way round!'.

Tang Xi looks at him anticipating his answer.

Lu Cheng turns back and says "Lets talk about this later. We should treat your hand".

Tang Xi looks at him lost "So....You still don't believe me, do you?".

Lu Cheng sighs "Wifey! Try to understand me!".

She nods absentminded "I am trying to do that Cheng! But you are not letting me to!".

Lu Cheng stands looking away silently.

Tang Xi too sits idly thinking seriously.

After few minutes, Tang Xi stands slowly wiping her face.

Lu Cheng looks at her not intending to break the silence.

Tang Xi looks at him "The day you trust me would be the day I would acknowledge our relationship!".

Lu Cheng frowns confused.

Tang Xi looks at him disappointed "What's the use of faking our relation when we doesn't have trust on each other?".

Lu Cheng gets a bad premonition of her words and tries to pacify her "Tang Xi...Stop deciding everything in haste".

Tang Xi looks at him coldly "I am not deciding anything Cheng. I am leaving the decision on you. The day you feel that you could trust me, we would start living normally".

Lu Cheng creases his eyebrows confused "What are you saying?".

Tang Xi smiles coldly "I am going to give us a chance. Just for our kids! Don't think I would madly follow you even after knowing your hesitation to trust me. Its in your hands ...If you allow me into your world, we would walk together in a same path ..hand in hand....".

Seeing Lu Cheng's angry face, she says "If you don't allow me, I would rather prefer to create my own path to follow you blindly".

Lu Cheng scoffs bitterly "You have learnt to take advantage of me well".

Tang Xi fumes "Very well! What if I bring my Exs back to my life and fool around you saying I hate them but in reality I don't?! Will you tolerate me?! Won't you harass me in jealousy?!".
