
Chapter 38: Hidden Plots Part 2

Gin: {What's going on? Why is Adam here? He is not suppose to be here yet!? Has something happen?}

Adam: Fellow Faunus, for too long have we felt despair! For too long have we been dragged trough the dirt, treated as slaves. Animals! But no more! It's time to take action, my contacts are soon gonna wreak some rampage in the city of Vale and then it's our turn to shine!

Gin:{I have to contact the others.} (Message the team.)

Adam: The time has come, to show the world what we deserve!

Then Vale's alarm went of and alertes everyone.

[Another Factory]

Torchwick: Looks like the hired bandits are doing their jobs, now then, Neo! time to do what's planned.

Neo: (Nods)

[In the middle of the city]

Ruby: Yang, Hurry! There is limit time of cookies for sale today!!

Yang: Take it easy sis, they are not going anywhere.

Weiss: I don't see why i have to come, i rather stay at the dorms and study!

Yang: Oh come on, Weiss! You have to go out sometimes and live a little.

Weiss: I can see better way of doing thing with my life!

Ruby: Come on guys! We're suppose to meet Jaune and the others near the store!


Yang: What the?!

BanditBoss: Come on guys, lets wreak some buildings! Hahahaha!!

Bandits: Yes Boss!!!

Townspeople: Ahhh!!! (Running away)

Weiss: Looks like we have some ruffians here!

Yang: Let's kick some butt!!

Ruby: Let's hurry, so we have time for the cookies!!

[The Dorms]

Lea: Can we please hurry!

Aria: Just wait, i have too get dressed!

Lea: You been doing that for 2 hours! We're supposed to meet Team RWBY and JNPR at the store!

Aria: Fine, fine! Im done okay!

Lea: Good, let's go!

"Alarm Sounds"

Lea/Aria: !? Oh no!

[Abandoned Factory]

Gin: We have to stop them for going to the city!

Blake: R-Right!

Gin and Blake went to their airships and vehicle and destroyed them, but it attracted the WhiteFang to them.

WFSoilder1: Hey you, stop what you are doing!!

WFSoilder2: Idiot, Get them!!

Gin and Blake rushes at the soldiers as they fires a couple of shots at them, But Blake deflect them back at them with her "Gambol Shroud" while Gin kicks the other soldiers in the stomach and bends one of their arm's, forcing him to shoot the others, before tossing him into a garbage can.

Blake: Members of the White Fang, why are you doing this!?

Adam: Well, well, well! Look who we have here!

Blake: Adam!!

Adam: Have you final comeback to your senses and decided to join us?

Blake: No! What you're doing is wrong!

Adam: "sigh" Here we go again!

Blake: We want equality, not oppression! To live side by side with everyone!

Adam: And i told you to stop being delusional!! There will never be peace between Human and Faunus and you know it!

Gin: And why not!?

Adam: Hmm, and who are you!

Gin: No one important, but why do you belive that there can't be peace between us?

Adam: Becase they treat us as dirt, trash and deserve to be punished!

Gin: But all human are not like that, some are caring, nice and-

Adam: I don't care what you think! They still need to be punished for what they done!!

Gin: Looks like there is no talking to you huh!

Gin and Blake prepare's themself for a fight and Adam is looking down on them and sends more WFsoilder (White Fang) at them.

[Meanwhile In The City]

The Bandits members begin shooting at Ruby, but Ruby reflect the bullets back at then with her scythe.

Bandit1: Ahh! who is this chick!!!

Bandit2: Boss, what are we gonna do?

BossBandit: Hahaha! Bring out the secret weapons!!

Bandit3: Roger that boss!!

The remaining bandits brought some big vehicle and open the hatch behind it.

Yang: Wowh! They brought some dangers stuff!

The bandits brought out a lot of robot, a lot of AK-130 models that they have stoled and used them to attack the city.

Weiss: Ugh! We can't possible do this on our own!

Then suddendly, Team JNPR showed up to the rescue!

Jaune: Are you guys okay?

Ruby: We're fine, Jaune!

BossBandit: Hahaha, more brats, ready to be squashed!!

Nora: Haha! We're not alone!

Then the bandits saw some robots was flying back to them and saw another team show up.

Elenor: Sorry for the wait!

Lea: Well, if someone didn't take their time then we probably be here sooner!

Aria: Lea, shut up and just fight!

Lea: Okay, okay sis.

And here is an chapter, enjoy :)

Glacecreators' thoughts