
Time of Parting

Krill laughed lightly and grabbed the feather out of the jar "You see there's only a few spirit animals that actually have feathers, and their all powerful in on their own" I did hear something similar in his earlier lectures so I must've drifted off "Oh right, is the ritual ready?" he then turned to the circle crossing his arms "Examine it for yourself" letting out a sigh as I seem to have entered a test of sorts so I step forward now examining it, the foundation of the magic circle being steel and Iron, the outer circle's walls attuned to the elements of fire giving off a red circle, a red star seal with 6 primeval runes on the side and finally the center having the conjuration seal "Its ready"

"Excellent" said krill, and at last to finish the ritual he places the feather into the center, seeing as it is ready I now pull the trigger to activate it "Here goes everything" I pull my arm up and pour mana into it as this happens the circle lets out a pillar of light reaching up to the clouds. As soon as the light dies the circle is damaged and in the circle is a golden transparent egg shielded by a white flame of sorts, and surrounding it were 12 snow white feathers as well "Looks like its done" Krill clapped his hands together, "Great this'll probably be the last time we'd meet so the weapon I'll be giving you will be my parting gift" I turn to him and give Krill a deep nod of appreciation "I'll make great use of your teachings" I look up to see that he's already gone to work on it "What a wonderful person" I say out-loud as I can't help but feel inspired by his hard working nature.

The next day arrives for me to see a letter beside my bed it said "Until we meet again, I do have more things to teach you" I look beside the letter to see a wand and the same egg, the wand's dark color that came from the wood we gathered now turned white with golden patterns "Sheesh you just have to make it harder to leave" I picked the wand up and I get full control of the power it gives me and allows me to control as if it accepts me as its caster, I grab the egg and the wand and place them to my bag "Guess its time to go now" I hide the wand inside my mage's robe and I go outside to the caravans.

Arriving to the caravans I see Alexander waiting for me as if to say farewell as well, but wasn't he coming with me? "Hi Alex, were you waiting for me?" Alexander looked at me and patted me in the head "Actually yes, I apparently can't go to the enclave yet duty calls" I flashback to the view I saw when he stood before the cliff and sun, I don't know how but I can tell there's something heavy weighing on him "Are you sure? you looked like you really wanted to come back" Alexander then lightly chuckled letting his hand out of my head gesturing for me to enter the caravan "Sorry Seraph but as a well known hero, duty calls" I see how selfless of him, in that case then I can't stop him because that's how it should be for him "Alright then, I'll be sure to tell them my regards the moment I get there" Alexander smiles under his mask, I can't see but I know he is "Thanks Seraph" He walks up to the driver and tells him to go to the Enclave and like that the horses started moving there. Screaming before we got too far Alexander said "Be sure to tell everyone I haven't left the Enclave" I look back at him and scream back "I will!"

As the distance from the camp to me grows more and more, I feel like I had just woken up from an ephemeral dream and finally I will be able to live my life. Yes I'm sure even Alexander had a feeling like this in his journey, it makes me wonder who the person behind the name Alexander Snow is, I'll be sure to etch that name into my mind
