
Inner District Resident

"You need to head to the City Hall to register for the escalation of rank; you will have to register specifically as a magus resident as I'm assuming you're using your magus status to apply?"

"That is correct, thank you once again for all of your help."

After taking his leave and heading to the city hall, James walked towards the tall spire he could see in the distance. On his way, he took a look around the inner district and realised that the people he could see running around were mostly servants of the inner district residents who didn't do any work like that themselves.

James finally approached the City Hall and entered the line for the resident applications; it seemed that a lot of different things were covered by the same employees, so each counter was busy handling tasks.

While waiting James was approached by a young man around his age that seemed to walk with a swagger that showed he was full of himself. This walk was one James had seen many times in his last life, and after lots of experience, he knew it mostly covered for the insecurity the person felt, or they were just a dick...

"I have never seen you in the inner city, who are you?"


"James what." The boy seemed stunned by James' short answer as if he couldn't imagine a brief reply from someone that appeared to be a lower class than himself.

"Reel." James was trying to say as little as possible so the boy would feel it difficult to maintain the conversation and would leave. Unfortunately, he appeared to be unable to pick up on the meaning behind James' words and thought he was trying to pick a fight or be disrespectful.

Dealing with the arrogant attitude of nobles and the like isn't something that you experience in the modern world so James didn't think much of his actions thinking he would just be passed off as rude, he would have just taken it as someone didn't want to talk if it happened on Earth.

"Rude! You think you have the standing to talk to me like this? You think you are that great? Ha, Like hell you are" After flying into a rage in his sentence the boy spat on the floor to show his disgust with James.

"Excuse me young man but do you really dare to spit on the floors of the city hall?" After witnessing this scene one of the managers of the city hall reprimanded the boy who spat on the floor, this was a massive disrespect to the whole of the city.

After hearing what was said the colour drained from the boy's face and he hurriedly got his servant to wipe up his spit from the floor.

"My apologies sir, I was blinded by rage and made a massive error, please forgive me for my lack of experience." After saying this, the boy shot a fiery gaze at James and then rejoined the queue he had left earlier.

Through this encounter James didn't have to be so blunt with him, he could have just spoken to him, but as a mentally old man, James felt awkward talking as equals with such a young man.

"Next." Hearing this, James approached the counter with a mid-30s looking man working it.

"Hello, I would like to apply as a magus resident please."

"Okay, that will be a 50 Leone service charge please and I will need to see your magus identification badge as well."

After handing his badge to the man, he placed it on a pedestal next to him which made the badge light up and show James' name but not his rank. This was probably a contraption that holds element energy and activates the badge when placed on it, a magus wouldn't want to work this type of job anyway, so it was necessary to be able to verify a magus' identity.

The young man James had ignored earlier was now looking at James with his mouth hanging wide open. Someone like James was the last person he expected to be a Magus.

Unfortunately, there is no medicine for regret so the boy decided that if he had the chance, he would apologise to James before he came for revenge in the future.

Magus had been known to let their power get to their head before and have it affect their mentality so they were quite often vengeful people who would escalate a situation from any slight towards them.

After registering, James began to leave but was stopped; the young man from earlier was blocking his path.

"Hello, I'm sorry, it appears we got off on the wrong foot and I was a bit forceful, your name was James right my name is Daniel, its a pleasure to meet you."

"If you're worried about me taking some form of revenge, don't be, I don't have time for petty things like that. I would much rather be doing anything else than needlessly fighting with you although I do appreciate the apology whether you meant it or not."

"Oh, I see. Well if we ever meet, again, I hope we can have a better interaction that time around."

After saying that the young man stepped aside and let James pass him. He couldn't afford to be forceful and keep James against his will. Since James didn't want to speak, he had to let him go.

"See you around."

After gaining inner district citizenship, James headed to the library to see if he could find the man Joshua and get the recommendation to enter the school.

"Ah, welcome back James. What do you need from me?" Joshua looked toward James with a warm smile showing his fondness of him.

"I was wondering if I could get your recommendation to enter the school now? I have become a magus resident in the inner city, started a school, and I started a few successful businesses. Is this enough?"

"Is this enough?! You've done more in this small time than most can do in a lifetime! Would I even dare to turn you down as a magus, let alone everything else!" James had indeed given Joshua a shock, he knew this boy was unusual, but he hadn't realised just how much.

Gonna have to go out now for a bit so there might be another chapter later today otherwise tomorrow, I will try to keep a decent release rate from now on, once again really sorry for the month gap!

Also one review away from 10 which should make the reviews visible so If anyone has a spare minute it's appreciated!

keyboardcoronarycreators' thoughts