

As I got out of the house with Shoto and started to walk to school,I realized that the school tournament was going to start soon.I then told Shoto that there will be a tournament soon.He asked me how I knew and I said,"I'm a ladies man,you know?I just asked an senior who told me about it.Come to think of it,there was this girl who had extremely long, baby blue hair that reaches all the way down to her legs and twists around itself at the waist area.She kept asking me questions and eventually I teleported away."At the end of it when i recalled Nejire Hado I grimaced.

Sure,She may be cute and all,but the way her blunt questions struck me was unnerving to say the least."Heh."Shoto laughs at my misfortune."Hmph,don't force me to tell her about you.I'm sure she would be very interested about why your face is like that!"I threatened him.He immediately went silent.On the way to the classroom we found Momo and I told her the same thing about the tournament.

We decided to practice for the tournament and decided that we will be in a team together and will help each other when we need it.And thus,a week flew by and now we are at the school venue for the tournament.The First Event of the Sports Festival: The Perilous Obstacle Race Around The Stadium.I called it a tournament but its close enough.Anyway,We were prepared for this and we agreed on me teleporting us to the finish line.

As soon as we were given the start signal,I activated my quirk.Me,Shoto and Momo teleported to the finishing line and walked through it together.Gasps were heard at every corner as no one had expected there to be someone who could teleport.I got the 'Hot Potato' aka the 10 million points bandanna and Shoto and Momo got theirs too.Shoto getting 2nd and Momo getting 3rd.

We sat down together and started to revise our plans.

Our plans were:Shoto create an ice wall to separate our team from the other teams.Meanwhile Momo will create grenades which molecules will be modified by me so that the grenades would not be dangerous and would only explode out gas.The grenades will be spread out everywhere on the battlegrounds via my quirk.The gas would be a smokescreen for me to teleport to anywhere on the field.

This is to counter those who have fast reflexes or eye quirks as the smoke will cover us and thus no one can be sure where we will be.To ensure we will be safe,after teleporting elsewhere,I will use my quirk to bend space near us to ensure no one will be able to see us.

We could not think of any problems within the plans therefore we were quite confident no one will beat us.

As soon as we finished revising our plan,the students started to trickle in,panting.As they saw us,they lost their hopes and laid down,resting to recover their energy.Within moments the stadium was filled with the students and the school faculty finally announced the second event.Second Event of the Sports Festival: The Cavalry Battle!

As we expected,as soon as the starting horn sounded,everyone chased after us.Well,not everyone but those who didn't were the wise ones,attacking the weaker opponents to ensure they'd get a spot in the third event.

Shoto immediately started out plan.Before they reached us,he created an ice wall about 40 meters in height and 10 meters thick,with some spaces in between so that those with strength quirks would find it harder to break through.Although that didn't stop everyone as the walls started to crumble down with the combined forces of everyone.That said,the wall g ave us plenty of time to create Smoke Grenades.

I teleported the grenades everywhere and within a second,"*Boom!"explosions were being created everywhere."*Cough Cough*What is this?Did they have a quirk like this?"The distraught students shouted as they were caught unexpected.Even those who were targeting others were affected by it.

I teleported us away and bended space to ensure we were safe.With that,no matter where they looked,no one could find us.Momo then created drinks for us to relax while waiting for the event to end.(Isn't this too much?At least they wouldn't know about us relaxing while they fight a death match over there or else they would all have vomited blood already.)

"*Zhiiink!"(Weird buzzer sound) The end of the event was announced with my team being first.I stopped bending space and it was revealed to the others that we were drinking water.An awkward period of silence was observed until Midnight started to explain about the third event.Final Event of the Sports Festival: The Battle Tournament! The matches concerning me were anti climatic.I just teleport my opponents out of the ring thus disqualifying them and winning every match.

Due to me being in this timeline,Momo got higher placings and didn't get discouraged like in the manga/anime.She gotten around 15th place which wasn't shabby and Shoto got 3rd place,losing to Bakugo.The same events happen with Midoriya forcing Shoto to use his fire powers and such.

Overall,the event ended on a good note.

I felt it was kind of bs that Midoriya got 1st place in the tournament arc even if it was for the 1st event only.

2 more chapters before Mc going off to another world :D.Where will he go?

Quite a long chapter O_O


StarryUnderworldcreators' thoughts