

Now she could easily look through directions in this desert, like to have a proper map. Yes. This map called Desert Attribute.

She walked out of the desert too but her supplies which she was out of.

Every Mania was guarded with Barricade Fiber, this fiber would block those people who have any kind of sharp intent like killing, and threatening or so on won't be able to enter or leave.

Any Manias people had to clarify their intentions in this case.

Jen entered in the Flyleaf Manias which was closest to the Goon desert, where she felt that it was completely different, especially she came from the desert so her feelings were indescribable, every Manias was designed with the simple basic structure which includes Central City surrounded City Sections or it could be elaborated as Factions.

Central city was controlled by the Central City Hall and every City Hall was under the order of City Archon, it was the most outstanding job to control the whole megacity but it was also considered the second in authority then who first authority was, it was definitely Royal Family.

Central City was responsible to host mega-events, Contemplation Schools and geniuses' trial and many more while surrounding City Factions host the bigger number of population, Central City was a place of visit not for a permanent stay of common individuals.

If it was allowed Central City would become a mess, Central City of Flyleaf Manias was designed with the taste of elegant structure.

The more specific thing was that it was filled with unknown herb gardens too or one could notice this extra feature of this city, after a casual walk half a day she found the market where she bought supplies and went on a walk in the city.

A man and woman were also there in the market, it was the same couple who ambushed Jen in the desert.

They also walked behind her, they could not tell her Contemplation Level nor were they confident that this girl was able to get that Attribute still, they bore grudge for Jen because they were not able to go back because of her fear, it was not evident that she was powerful; they only feared her last move.

She was leisurely walking in the city.

Man and woman were on the second level of Sage Contemplation, moreover, they were Fourth Grade Master Race in their study of Scent of Slumber which was second highest grade after the Royal Family.

Now they wanted to get rid this young girl who was like sour in their throat.

She was not in an open area where only a single herb garden was in view, they did not intend to warn her this time, they directly spread Fourth Grade Master Race Scent of Slumber with the sharp approach of Sage Level Two Contemplation.

They don't want to give her any chance for escape or retreat, their dominion was devoid of killing intent that made their sneak attack possible.

Jen coughed blood but she was able to move because someone stood against the sneak attack of man and woman.

She was filled with anguish, it seemed that this place was filled with cunning people who only know how to back stab, someone, she murmured under her breath, who was standing in between was protector Zhi Chang, he had seen her in the market but when he saw that someone wanted to harm her, despite his low Contemplation, he rushed to stand between.

When she was a small seven years old, protector Chang was crescendo and she looked at him like she was looking sky and now when her height was 5.8, he was still crescendo in front of her and now he was in his prime.

She turned and tried to see from his side that was gutsy to attack her in open and especially in Central City.

Her eyes got to see the man and woman, she also helped the man who was about to fell on the ground, she released her Desert Attribute to stop them flee this time; her Zero Stage pounced toward them to snatch their rationality.

Her Solar Star Attribute enveloped Zhi Chang protector. She was such careless to walk in their place haphazardly.

Her rage devoured them with the extreme hidden fire that they could only scream once, how she could face two level high contemplators because her fury resides two-fold if compared to others.

Zhi Chang willingly bothered the whole upshot of Scent of Slumber because this was the thing he learned here in the previous three years, he knew Jen could defend herself so he took what she cannot defend for now.

He did not fell because Jen was holding him with her Solar Star Attribute.


_Shacreators' thoughts