

" Man, this is boring, we have been traveling for an entire day since we found that man, are you sure we aren't lost? " Kyle said as he was seeing from left to right with a bored expression

Nolan turns to see him with a smile " I already told you this is the safest route so is the longest route "

Kyle narrows his eyes and says " You better be right if not we will miss the Auction "

Nolan shakes his head still smiling " It's fine, why don't you feed the slaves instead of complaining? "

" Alright " Kyle takes a bag that was hanging on his right side, from the bag he takes a couple of big pieces of bread then throws them into the cage " Eat "

The bread fall on Hayato's chest but he didn't wake up, the young man grabs quickly one of the pieces of bread before any of the women could even move, he starts to bite huge chunks of the bread almost immediately

One of the women sees him with resentment as she grabs the other bread

The young man sees her with anger and says " What are you looking, stupid beast woman? "

The woman bows her head and retrieves the bread to then tear it into small portions that she gave to the other women and children, they didn't eat as much as the young man

The beast girl pulls the clothes of one of the beast women making pleading eyes " Mommy, I'm still hungry "

The woman smiles sweetly at her and says " Don't complain, you see that young man sleeping? he didn't even eat and he isn't complaining "

The beast girl makes a pout and says " But mommy, he is sleeping" Then the woman hugs her

They traveled for a couple of hours more, with only being attacked by weak monsters such as Goblins and a couple of Orcs that Kyle killed easily, then they finally arrived at a city in the forest. The city is surrounded by a wall of wooden logs and below them, there is a long trench with muddy water that surrounds it except for the entrance, which has a wide rock bridge

" We arrived " Said Nolan with a wide smile

Kyle grins as he says " Yes, let's hope that they let us put that man in the Auction "

" Why are you saying that? " Nolan sees him as he was seeing an idiot

Kyle makes an annoyed expression and says " It's almost night, the Auction will start at night, you fool "

" Then let's get going before it's too late " Nolan smiles and makes the horses move faster to the entrance that was protected by a couple of men with short swords and light metallic armor. Nolan shows them an identification that after reading it they let them enter. The city is just like Shaktar city with the slight difference that, there aren't weapons shops instead they sold slaves but most of them are skinny and they look almost lifeless

Kyle points at a tall building and says " Let's go to the church first we have to check that guy's condition "

Nolan shakes his head " No, there's no time, let's sell him like that, let his new owner cure him "

Kyle frows and says " Are you sure? what if we don't gain much from that curse he has? "

Nolan makes a grin " Don't worry, after all, we didn't plan to earn so much with these slaves, finding that guy was a lucky shot "

" Alright then " Kyle nods and Nolan guides the carriage to a large and tall building downtown. The building has a big entrance where people with luxurious clothes are entering, some have masks and some others have robes with a hood covering their heads, the building looks like a Roman temple

" Let's park the carriage behind the Auction House " Said Kyle pointing at a building

Nolan guided the carriage around the street until they were behind the Auction House. Behind the Auction House, more people were entering but they are the opposite that those who are entering from the front, they look like Nolan and Kyle and they were guiding their groups of chained slaves to a small entrance, their slaves look completely different from those who were in the shops, some are beautiful women or strong men. At the entrance was a very voluptuous redhead woman, the woman wears a shiny red dress and a small black mask, she has fire red lips and blue eyes, she must be very beautiful under the mask. The woman was taking notes of those who were entering the Auction House with slaves

Nolan gets down from the carriage and says " Let's leave these slaves here, we only can sell that guy here, he is the only one who fits the requirements of the Auction House "

" Well, the strong slave fitted too, but that guy killed him " Said Kyle as he jumped down the carriage

Nolan makes a wry smile as he says " At least he worths as double as him that's for sure, let's give them some food before we enter "

" Alright " Said Kyle and he grabbed the bag with bread again. Nolan and Kyle walked to the backside of the carriage to then open the cage

" Take this, eat till your heart is content " Kyle throws the bag with the bread to the backside of the cage, and this time the woman grabbed the bag before the young man sending him hateful looks. Nolan grabbed Hayato's legs and he pulls him out of the carriage

Then Kyle was surprised to see Hayato's face " Hey, look! those marks in his eyes disappeared, we are lucky maybe the curse is just temporary "

Nolan makes a happy face and says " I hope so, but still, he still has that strange tattoo on his forehead, okay grab his right arm I will take his left arm " and supports the unconscious Hayato

Kyle didn't grab Hayato and asked Nolan " What about his clothes? we should remove his top part, that way he will call more the attention of the ladies in the auction "

Nolan nods and says " Then, do it " Then he puts Hayato on the ground

After Kyle removed Hayato's tattered robe, they grabbed his arms to carry him to the entrance, the line to enter was small with just a couple of slave traders in front of them with their slaves, so they waited for a couple of minutes until they arrived in front of the voluptuous woman

The woman saw Nolan and Kyle's faces and she makes a mocking grin to then say " Look who is here after a few years of absence, you know that the Auction House doesn't sell worthless slaves anymore so why are you two here? "

Nolan makes a wry smile and says " Come on don't be like that Karen, this time we brought someone who will be the best slave of the Auction "

Karen grins coldly as she says " Oh! then why do I have the feeling that you are lying? "

" Show her, Kyle " Said Nolan, and Kyle pulls Hayato's hair making him raise his head

" Ah " Karen opens her mouth with surprise seeing Hayato's face after a few seconds she blinks her beautiful blue eyes a few times and sees Kyle and Nolan with doubt " You didn't kidnap the son of a noble family, right? if you did, then I have to free this man "

Nolan laughs nervously " Haha, of course not, he is a nobody that we found on our way here, he is powerful but not as strong as Kyle, he is at least an Advanced Super Magic Swordsman "

Karen opens her eyes with surprise " Then, what are you were saying was right, he will be the most exquisite addition to the Auction, he is very handsome and his body, well is perfect, the only problem is that tattoo on his forehead, let me check if is worthy despite that "

Karen approaches Hayato's face with a suggestive smile, she passes her right index finger through Hayato's stomach to his chest, then she licks her upper lip and grabs his face with her delicate hands and suddenly she begins to kiss him surprising Nolan, and Kyle who were carrying him. Karen introduces her small tongue into Hayato's mouth moaning with pleasure as she did that but Hayato didn't show any reaction. Nolan and Kyle saw her with desire they wished to be Hayato right now but they just stayed in silence watching her inspecting every part of Hayato's mouth with her tongue, after a few seconds more she separates from him leaving a trail of saliva connecting their lips, she licks her fire red lips in an alluring way once again with her eyes closed with satisfaction then she says with a sensual voice " Mmm.. he is perfect as he is right now, but why he is unconscious? "

Nolan shakes his head a little and makes a wry smile as he says " Since he fought against Kyle, he has been like that for a few days "

Karen makes a sweet smile and licks her lips seeing Hayato's body again " Hehe, maybe I should keep this one for me "

Nolan smiled teasingly as he says " Haha, maybe if you kiss me as you did with him, I will... "

" Haha " Karen interrupts him with her mockingly laugh then she sees him with a smile of disdain " You think I will do something like that with someone like you, just enter and wait, and I will order the slaves for the auction "

Nolan shakes his head and he and Kyle carry Hayato inside. They entered a huge darkened area beside a stage, there is a few cages and torches, but the place was still dark and the only place that was well-illuminated was the stage. When they arrived next to the other slave traders, Kyle whispers " Hey, you knew that she was like that? "

Nolan grins and nods " Kinda, she is known for her fondness for handsome men, that's why she has so many connections with noblewomen, she sells them her slaves, of course when she uses them before "

Kyle is surprised but then smiles " I never thought she was like that but I still like her! " He shakes Hayato's head with annoyance as he says " This lucky bastard, he kissed her and didn't enjoy it "

Nolan laughs happily " Haha, let's wait for her "

Nolan and Kyle waited until Karen arrived, she gives the slave traders a number in a collar that they put on their slaves' necks, the number of slaves reached 30 with Hayato being the last one, which made Nolan and Kyle very happy, they knew that the last slave was the one who always was sold with the higher price, then the Auction started with Karen being the hostess of the Auction almost all of the people there were nobles, so the slaves where sold at high prices

The place where the Auction was about to start looked like a theater with a lot of chairs in front of the stage and some special areas on the second floor, one on the left side one in the middle, and one on the right side

Then, when slave number fifteen was sold, Karen made a pause and she went backstage, she saw Nolan and Kyle with doubt and she approaches them and says " He is still unconscious, are you sure that he is alright? " she points at Hayato who was unconscious on the floor

Nolan smiles wryly and says " He is okay, trust me, you can sell him like this "

" Hmph! " Karen snorts in annoyance and she turns to see two men in black robes " Bring the crucifix, we will hang this one there! " She points at Hayato when she spoke to them

Then Karen left to the stage again meanwhile the two men brought a big crucifix, the crucifix was 2 meters tall and was on a platform of wood with small wheels

" Let's help them " Kyle said as he grabbed Hayato's left arm

Nolan and Kyle help the two men to put Hayato on the crucifix they tied Hayato's hands on each side of the crucifix, and they even tied his legs and waist to the crucifix, they leave him like that until his turn arrives

After a couple of hours, the auction almost ends with the best slave for the moment sold for 10 gold coins, Karen who was on the stage beside a cage with a beautiful black-haired woman who spoke very loudly

" Well, that wasn't our last slave in the Auction, I know that some of you are dissatisfied with most of the slaves but the last one is the best of today's Auction, he has power and beauty a combination rarely seen in a slave " When she spoke two men with black robes pull out the cage with the beautiful black-haired woman out of the stage

The people at the auction began to whisper between themselves " I thought that savage woman was the best of the Auction? " " It seems not, now I'm kinda curious about that slave "

Karen continues " He is a young man no more than 20 years old and his power can be considered very good for his age, now, please, bring him to the stage " The two men push the crucifix to the stage right beside Karen, then they left the stage

Karen walks in front of Hayato and says " He is unconscious after a battle, so don't worry about his health, as you can see, he has a very good body worthy of his strength an Advanced Super Magic Swordsman "

" 2 silver coins! " A young woman with a pink mask yelled almost immediately

Karen smiled and says " Wait, I haven't shown you the best part of him, so take a look " She puts her right hand under Hayato's chin, raising his head then the bid began again

" 5 silver coins! " " 9 silver coins! " The bidders could be heard everywhere and almost all of them were masked women or men with special tastes

" 1 gold coin! " " 3 gold coins! " After Nolan and Kyle heard the bids with gold, they were smiling from ear to ear until only two people were bidding against each other, a noblewoman with long blond hair and a black shiny mask against a brown-robed person with a very hoarse voice

" 5 platinum coins! " Yelled the blond woman with a shiny silver mask, the woman was on the right side of the sits

And almost immediately the brown-robed person yells " 6 platinum coins! " The brown-robed person was on the left side

The bids continued like that for a couple of minutes, the brown-robed person always increased the bids slightly making the blond woman very angry then she yells loudly " 15 platinum coins! "

Then the brown-robed person yells " 25 platinum coins! " surprising the blond woman a lot then she sits down in her chair again gritting her teeth in anger

Then Karen began the count " 25 platinum coins at one... 25 platinum coins at two.... 25 platinum coins at three! sold to the person on the left side area! that was a surprise, I never saw a slave being sold for that quantity of money, anyway congratulations! All of you will have your slaves at... " Suddenly *BOOM* a huge dark and cold aura covers the entire place, the weakest start to shiver in fear and the strong stand seeing Hayato with nervous faces some even take out their weapons

Karen turns around to see Hayato who was seeing all of them with murderous eyes, she even took a few steps back of the fear she felt seeing his eyes and feeling his strength ' Wha... this aura isn't from an Advanced Super Magic Swordsman, he is at least a Sky Magic Swordsman, how is that possible? '

Hayato has a very tired face for some reason suddenly *SWOOSH* " WHAT!? " yelled some after a couple of black wings made energy appear behind Hayato covering a large part of the stage, Karen falls on her butt by the fear and some even started to evacuate the place, the robed men that were with Karen in the stage before didn't dare to move

" Release me... " Said Hayato with a weak cold voice, the powerful persons in the auction house grit their teeth with sweating faces

Karen turns to see Kyle and Nolan and they began to run towards the stage, then Nolan says to Hayato " I order you to stop right now! " then the letters on the slavery collar began to shine with a red bright light, and on Hayato's body red lightning appeared

" .... " Hayato's eyes twitch very slightly like he wasn't affected by it all, Nolan begins to panic when Hayato turned to see him but suddenly he passes out again and the black wings on his back disappeared

" *SIGH* " Karen sighs with relief and she sees Nolan and Kyle with a complaining expression, but she didn't say anything, she stands and turned around to see the remaining guests of the Auction house with a wry smile " What did I tell you? he is strong! "

A man standing yells complaining " Hey! lady! you said that he was an Advanced Super Magic Swordsman! That wasn't the power of an Advanced Super Magic Swordsman! I know that because I'm one! "

Karen bows her head and says " I'm sorry about that "Then she saw the brown-robed person and says with doubt " You still want to keep him? The collar isn't strong enough to stop him "

The brown-robed person nods and leaves the place, Karen makes a small smile and she says " The Auction is over! Someone will give you your slaves outside! Thanks for coming! " then she walks backstage with Nolan and Kyle behind her while two men put down Hayato from the crucifix, the two men put down Hayato with nervous faces

Karen sees Nolan and Kyle with anger and yells " What the hell was that you idiots!? he is stronger than what you said! "

Nolan bows his head with shame and says " I'm sorry, but my level stone was broken, so maybe it gave us the wrong result "

Karen speaks with anger " I should have suspected something, we are lucky that the person who bought him still wanted him! now release your control over him "

" Ok " Said Nolan and he walked towards Hayato after that he touched the slavery collar with his index finger bleeding and then the letters change from red to blue

" Wait here, I will bring back your money " Then Karen went to the entrance of the Auction house with two men carrying Hayato, the front part of the Auction House looks like a luxurious hotel reception, with various couches where the bidders are waiting for their slaves and in the entrance, was the brown-robed person

" Here is the money " The brown-robed person gives Karen a small bag full of platinum coins, then he kneels and puts his hand covered with the robe on the collar changing the color letters to red again, and finally he carries Hayato on his back

Karen saw that Hayato was taller than him so she says " Thanks for your purchase, you want that someone helps you with him? "

The brown-robed person shakes his head and in a hoarse voice says " That won't be necessary " Then he leaves

After the brown-robed person left the Auction House they walked to the entrance of the city, the brown-robed person was very cautious, from time to time turns around like waiting for something to happen, even when they left the city

Then in front of the brown-robed person, the blond woman appeared, this time she was wearing black armor and a thin silver sword in her left hand, she was with two men with the same style of armor and swords

The blond woman was attractive but not so much, she was seeing the brown-robed person with anger and she says " How dare you take my slave, now put him on the ground and I will give you a painless dead "

The brown-robed person raises an arm and the robe rolls back revealing a slender and delicate hand full of scars of different sizes, she stretches her arm towards them and shot a huge blue fireball at their right side devastating a huge area of the forest, after the attack, she staggered a little, but that passed unnoticed for the three of them

The blond woman falls on her butt with fear and the two men take a few steps back with surprised expressions, then the brown-robed woman sees behind her and turns to see them again to say with a hoarse voice" I have to deal with the worst people, so don't annoy me " and she began to run towards the forest leaving the blond woman and the two men in a daze

After the brown-robed woman left three men with black armor and black hoods covering their faces landed in front of them

" Sh*t, she is sensing us somehow now " The first one said with annoyance

The second one turns to see him and says " Idiot, it's because of what she is, she is getting used to her powers "

" Shut up you two, now is our chance to capture her, that attack she used was a lot weaker than before, we can take her down " The third one said with a cold voice

The first one asks with doubt " What about the slave? "

The third one speaks mockingly " He is just a piece of trash, all the slaves in that city are weaker than us, let's go before she let us behind again "

They began to run, but the first one stopped when he saw the blond woman and the two men, he grins coldly and says to the other two " You two can go, I will attend to these nobles here " Their partners smiled at him and they run again, then the one that stayed shakes his right arm and from his sleeve, three small spheres with black smoke come out, he smiles and throws the spheres in front of the woman and the two men then he runs following his partners

" AAHHH!! " The woman screamed in terror when from the smoke three shadow monsters appeared, they have a humanoid form but their arms are long with long claws and long sharp teeth " NOOO!! " the three of them screamed when the monsters ran against them to cut them in pieces


On the morning in the Shakhtar Kingdom, Maya, Alyra, and Dye were in the Adventurers Guild they were in the meeting room with the Guild Master and the Vice-Guild Master with them

" Are you saying that he was devoured by that monster? " Dye said with her eyes wide open

The Vice-Guild Master bows his head in shame and says " Yes, I'm so sorry... he, the prince, and a member of our team died in the mouth of that thing "

" No... no... " Maya bows her head with fear and some tears fall from her beautiful emerald eyes, she puts her hands together on her chest bending over until her head nearly touches her knees

Alyra hugs Maya softly and says " Maya, calm down, do you remember something that Hayato gave us before he left? "

" ....! " Maya takes out her sword with her left hand and when she saw the symbols of the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, she smiled and cleaned the tears off her face

Alyra makes a sweet smile as she says " You see, he is still alive "

The Guild Master and the Vice-Guild Master are surprised when they hear her then the Vice-Guild Master says in a sad voice " I'm sorry but I saw that thing devour people before them and they are dead, so the best thing you can do is accept his death and live the life he wanted for you three "

Dye turns to see the Vice-Guild Master with an annoyed face and she says " You are misunderstanding something if they say that he is alive, he is alive, now if you excuse us we have to train "Then they left the meeting room

The Guild Master shook his head after they left then he says to the Vice-Guild Master " They must be in denial, we can only expect that with time, they will accept his death "

The Vice-Guild Master covers his face with his right hand " *SIGH* This will be rough for them, I will protect them from the shadows "

The Guild Master pats his back and says with a serious face " You know that you can protect them from nobles, but if they fight against an adventurer you can't do anything, those are the rules "

" Yes, I know " The Vice-Guild Master nods with a serious face

The Guild Master walks to the door and turns to see the Vice-Guild Master with a solemn face to then say " Things will be bad for the Guild when Reid becomes a King, after all, he knows about our alliance with his brother "


On the castle of the Shakhtar Kingdom, Prince Reid was sitting on a luxurious couch with a woman at his left side and a tall bulky knight behind him, in front of him was Joseph with a serious face

Reid points at the table in front of him, to be exact, he pointed to a small bag on the table and says " There, that's what I promised you "

Joseph grabbed the bag and shakes it a few times, then Reid says " You can count it if you want "

Joseph narrows his eyes and opens the bag, the bag has a lot of platinum coins

Reid snorts with a grin " Hmph! there are 200 platinum coins in the bag just as I promised you "

" Then I will leave " Joseph closes the bag and stands

Reid makes a mocking grin and says " No, you will stay "

Joseph turns to see him grinding his teeth with anger and he yells " Our deal is over! I don't want to work for you again! "

Reid shakes his head with a smile " That's a shame, then I think I will go to the Adventurers Guild to make a request, for a thief who entered the castle and stole a lot of platinum coins "

" .... " Joseph sees Reid with anger but he sees the knight with caution

Reid smiles mockingly again and says " If you want to keep that money, you have to do one more thing for me or you will be killed and your family will die too "

Joseph frows and sits on the couch again "...What do you want me to do? "

" You will stay here until Violet returns, then you will say her, what I will tell you to say her " Reid spoke with a calm smile

" And what will be? " Joseph asked with doubt

Reid smiles coldly and says " That my brother's death was caused for the stupidity of one of his partners and you know his friends, knowing her, she will go mad and seek revenge with them even if they didn't do anything, that b*tch is completely crazy "

" Then, why don't you say her that? " Joseph asked with a frowning expression

Reid smirks and says " Maybe I look like my brother, but she despises me and doesn't trust anything I say, but you, you gained her trust after all those years of fighting beside my brother "

Joseph makes a face of doubt " And what do you gain with that? Anthony is dead and you will be the next king "

Reid shows him a happy smile " I gain women you idiot, women, Violet won't kill them she will beat them almost to death and when that happens I will turn them into my sex slaves, just like this one " He grabs one of the breasts of the woman beside him " Hya! " The woman screamed with an expression of ecstasy

Reid laughs happily " Haha, spies told me that one of them is more powerful than you, god, she is even stronger than this guy behind me, so only Violet can beat her, then, what do you say? "

" Fine " Said Joseph with an annoyed face

Reid laughs loudly " Haha! excellent! now enjoy your stay until Violet arrives "
