

After a few minutes, Dye and Alyra stopped hugging Hayato then Hayato sees Alyra with a slight grin " Alyra, you will stay in this room until you recover some of your power, in the meantime Dye will protect you, I'm sure that your body can resist the energy that you need to recover the power you lost "

" I can recover most of my powers for sure but I will need a lot of time if I wanted to recover all but Hayato tell me, what will you do? " Alyra speaks with a face of doubt

" I have to go to see the Knights' Captain, I need a favor from him " Hayato said with a serious face

" Eh? you know Captain Conrad.....? Wait! he is loyal to Ellen! and that goes to most of the knights of the kingdom! he could betray you! " Alyra makes a worried face

" No, I don't think that he will do that.... let's say we have an agreement, I have to go, Dye will take care of you, I'm sure that that isn't a problem, right, Dye? " Hayato smiles and that calms Alyra a little then he turns to see Dye

" Ok, but you have to buy me a reward later, got that " Dye smiles brightly

" Yes, yes, I will leave now " Hayato turns to leave the room

Hayato left the room and then the Hostel, he went to the Adventurers Guild before going to search for the Captain, when he arrived he noticed that the Guild Master was at the entrance with a very concerned expression, Hayato approached him with a face full of doubt

" What's wrong Guild Master? you look very worried " Hayato speaks in a calm voice and the Guild Master turns to see him

" Hmmm? *SIGH* it's you, kid, it's just that Wade made something, very, very stupid " The Guild Master said in a sad voice

" What did he do? I know Wade a little, but he looks like a smart person " Hayato put on a serious face

" Well kid, Wade has a dark past, so he wanted to take revenge on people with high authority in the Lyrel kingdom, so now he has been taken prisoner by them and they are planning to execute him tomorrow morning " The Guild Master explains with a sad voice

" What!? tell me what happened " Hayato was taken by surprise

" He killed three members of the Brywood family, he killed Baron Andrew, Baron Allen, and Count Gerald's son, you already knew him that young man Bennett, the kid that was unconscious in the training ground they are from a very important family. All the evidence pointed at him " Every time the Guild Master spoke he made a worried and sad face

' Damn it, it was me who killed them and now their family wanted to kill Wade, but why the Guild Master didn't intervene, I'm sure he could have helped Wade to only make him prisoner '

" Why didn't help Wade old man? I thought that he was like your son " Hayato was a little angry with the Guild Master

" Count Gerald come for him in person, I was about to intervene, but Wade spoke first, and he... " The Guild Master clenched his fists


Yesterday, a few hours later after Hayato left the Adventurers Guild

" Wade, how have you been? " The Guild Master smiled at the young knight who appeared in front of him carrying a pile of papers

Wade always has a helmet but the helmet left his eyes and mouth almost exposed to the sight

" I'm ok, I'm here to deliver the new missions for the guild " Wade has an expressionless face

The Guild Master begins to laugh and he points to the reception " Haha, put them over there, we will put them on the board later, now I... *SLAM* " but when he was about to speak something someone slammed the Adventurers Guild's door, some adventurers turned to see the entrance with frowned faces but when they saw the people who made that they averted their gazes

Some Knights entered the Adventurers Guild and a middle-aged man with golden hair that wears silver shining armor is guiding them, he looked extremely angry

One of the knights approaches Wade and he puts out old-style handcuffs " Wade Blackwood, you are under arrest for the murder of three members of the Brywood family "

" What!? Wade will never..... " The Guild Master surprised a lot but when he was to interfere someone laughed loudly beside him

Wade makes a mocking smirk at the blond middle-aged man then he began to laugh " Ahahaha, stupid old man, how it feels to know that your loved ones are dead, haha, it isn't very good, right? "

" Mother f***er! I will kill you! " The blond middle-aged man put out his sword and yelled but one of the knights grabbed his arm

" Calm down, Count Gerald! he will become a prisoner for the moment, the king will decide his destiny " the knight spoke with a calm voice

" What!? Wade, you didn't do it, right? " the Guild Master was nervous and he turned to see Wade

" ...…. " Wade just stay there in silence with a smirk

" Now you will come with us." The knight handcuffed Wade and he turned to see Guild Master " You don't have the right to intervene in this Guild Master, so you have to stay back "

The knights and Count Gerald leave the Adventurers Guild with Wade handcuffed

" Damn it, Wade, I told you to don't do it " The Guild Master had an angry expression but he turned sad after a few seconds


" So he is now a prisoner of the Brywood family, but why didn't say he was innocent? " Hayato put a face full of doubt

The Guild Master puts a serious face " You see kid, Wade has a great hatred towards the Brywood family because they killed his fiancée "

Hayato surprises a lot again " What!? did they kill her? but why? "

" Count Gerald was obsessed with her so he tried to kidnap her, but his wife found out about that and before he can do that, she sent someone to kill her " The Guild Master explained with an angered face

" How do you know that? Do you hear them or something? " Hayato said with a face of doubt

" No, Count Gerald's wife told Wade that face to face, she blamed his fiancée for seducing his husband, but Wade knew that she was lying after all Veronica was head over heels for Wade. Wade didn't have another choice but stay quiet and hold back his anger, that moment he couldn't even dream to touch the Brywood family, I never thought that he is gonna do something but it seems that he did that " the Guild Master clenched his fist with anger

' *SIGH* Damn, this world... I think I'm going to save him, after all, I was the one who killed them '

" Well Guild Master, I will leave now, I was just passing by, I hope things get better " Hayato said goodbye and prepared to leave

" Don't worry kid, take care " the Guild Master made a sad smile

Hayato walked toward the kingdom gates and then he went to the forest where he met Dye

' I think it's time to buy the Akatsuki's attire, Syt, I want to buy the Akatsuki clothes ' Hayato sits down under a big tree

[ '-2,500 System Points' ]

[ 'You still have: 21,550 System Points' ]

[ 'Congratulations! you bought: the Akatsuki clothes and all of his variants, the rings will be stored in the inventory as well Tobi's mask and the forehead protectors of each member' ]

' That's good, now give me the Akatsuki clothes that Sasuke used and Tobi's mask '

*PUFF* the clothes appear and Hayato put them immediately storing his other clothes in his inventory

" It's not bad, but it is uncomfortable to not be able to see well with this mask, whatever now... Transformation Jutsu! " Hayato touches his mask and then he makes the transformation Jutsu and *PUFF* he changes his appearance into Bennett and he started to walk to the Lyrel Kingdom

' Now I think I can infiltrate the Brywood family and rescue Wade without anyone noticing, but I need more System Points for my plan, what should I do... I will see you when I arrive '
