
Leg of Lerik

I look down at the extremely high fall from the bell tower,

"Well... it's not like it'll kill me so might as well." I shrugged.

I jump off the clock tower and realize how stupid this was, I wasn't afraid of heights myself, but the beggar that I took memories from did! I started screaming bloody murder as I fell.

I was to busy screaming even to notice the void around me rattling and changing. Before I knew it, I was a hundred feet above a raging ocean. The winds were howling with such strength and tenacity that I was barely able to hear the roaring waves breaking against each other. There were streaks of lighting sprawling over the dark, gloomy skies and the resounding claps of thunder, so loud that it would threaten someone to even go deaf for some time.

The clouds were pouring a torrential rain into the monstresly dark sea. With every streak of thunder, it lit up the dark seas for enough time to see fins belonging to massive beasts breaking the surface of the water.

Seeing this sight, I was amazed at it all yet terrified because I was going to fall into a body of water from a hundred feet up, at that height water is like a hard floor!

I didn't want to experience how that feels. As I continue to fall, I see some older people watching me from inside the void wearing a set of gold and emerald green robes, A rush of excitement and intrigue rushed over my body.

"How much do you bet this kid is going to get past this test with the highest marks?" An extremely old lady smiled.

"Teacher are you sure you're not going senile in your old age, this kid is going to die in this test! But it's an easy bet!" He smiled

"He's probably gonna die" another older fellow in green robes chimed in.

Hearing this student of hers asked she is going senile at her age she had the urge to beat him, but only smiled, giving the two others faces full of fear.

The old lady said while keeping the smile, "I bet with a relic from the age of descending gods that is still emitting gods light."

The two others hearing this almost had a stroke, an actual relic from that age that is still emitting gods light was worth so much that a massive war was fought over some that lasted a thousand years and killed billions of people from all the planets. It was so brutal and bloody that it was given its own age, with it being the Thousand Year War.

It was only with a few people rising to new heights as well as having some excellent luck that they found powerful relics and gods blood that they banded together to stop the bloody war. The lady in front of them was the leader of that group as well as the strongest. She was the main one during that age that strove for peace, while also being one of the three main people credited for ending the war. Making the planet, she came from called by many, The Land of Light in her honor.

Reeling from what the lady in front of them had just said,

her student next to her only sighed with a solemn expression, "Of course you would still have some around, I bet a lesser God tier spell workings book written during the Age of Magic."

The person with the green robe yelled out in surprise, "I'm wondering how you were even able to keep that! People would have assassinated you just for a page, and you have a whole book!"

"So that's how you have been increasing in strength so quickly." The old lady said with raised eyebrows, "I'll be able to read over it here soon anyway."

The man in green robes sighed, "Why do you all have to be so rich? I guess I'll throw in a Light Dragon egg, not like I'll ever live long enough to see it hatch."

The student looked over, "You have an egg?!"

Even the old lady looked over,

"It was when I was younger and stupidly exploring the Frost Lands, I was only able to get the egg with so much luck I'm afraid I'll get struck by lightning one day." (Some people say if you're too lucky or have an extremely lucky encounter, that after, you're bound to have bad luck to even it out.)

"Thanks for the egg and the book." The old lady said while giving a big grin, both her student and the green-robed man glared at her before returning to look at the kid that was about to die from the test.

Not being able to hear what was going on in the mortals void tear I didn't put much thought into it. I proceeded to rip a hole in the void and pass through it, opening another deep in the water as to avoid having to take the pain of the fall as well as not letting the people see me instantaneously teleport. The first thing I felt was immense pressure threatening to collapse my body in on itself, as well as making it feel as if my lungs are going to come up my throat and my eyes bulge out of my head.

'Out of everything I've experienced so far, this is probably the most uncomfortable feeling I've had.'

I start to push myself through the water and glide around smoothly, soon a giant glass wall barely comes into view with A deep blue shade of light reflecting off the glass.

'What do I do now?'

About as soon as I had thought that the glass wall started to crack, I was able to catch glimpses of a giant beast bashing against it making the crack grow bigger and bigger until finally, succumbing to the outside water pressure and break.


Mountainous amounts of water quickly surged in pulling me along with it as well as large shards of glass. As I passed through the opening, a giant tentacle darted out into the surge of water and wrapped around me. It pulled me to one corner of the glass wall as water started filling up the room until everything was once again under water. It then stared at me with its big eyes, the size of a full grown man. It was an 80-foot giant squid with spines along the tentacles and with a clear body, even showing the contents of its stomach. The suckers had a glowing blue light around them which were so incandescent that bubbles were unceasingly being produced by them, as it could likely blind and burn someone if they looked or touched them for even a bit of time.

Not wanting to be eaten by such a beast I quickly summoned a bluish silver spear made of the same material as the girl that blocked me from running away had used for the wall. As soon as it was summoned, I hurled it at the beast with all my strength, impaling its eye and pinning it to a wall pouring staggeringly massive amounts of red blood all over me and in the surrounding water, obscuring my vision.

With its impressive size, it was still gripping hard around my body wanting to crush me to death. Although the grip is getting tighter and tighter around my body, I pointed to roughly were the squid was impaled and created a massive explosion in the water, with the bang it created shock waves that traveled through the water and crushed the insides of the squid, having it let me go. But I didn't think it through because I was in the water with the squid. Quickly made a bubble of air and opened my mouth so that the shock waves don't decimate my insides. Even if I'm a god and can't die that doesn't mean I can't feel pain if I have the body of a mortal!

Even with me being as quick as I could I was only able to create the bubble on the upper half of my body before the shock waves came, I threw up blood and stomach acid all over the inside of the bubble. As quickly as this happened I was forced into a tear in the void and transported into a hall were tens of kids around 15-18 were walking around with various colors of robes. The walls were of beautiful dark blue marble; there were flags around the hall with a blue shield with a white circle in the middle with gold embroidery. The floor was made of a weird looking wood with thousands of swirls that would make you dizzy if you gazed at it for too long.

Suddenly I fell to the floor with blood and stomach acid splattering all over the beautiful wood and marble walls that I was next to. Kids immediately began to look over and screamed at the sight of all the blood, others fainted, while others even threw up themselves.

Suddenly A loud voice vibrated the walls of the hall,

"New student, full marks, transferring to... Leg Of Lerik!"

Hope you guys like the double release although it was a bit later in the day! Sorry if it was sort of filler but I wanted to build a world you guys could try to get really immersed in with the lore I created even if my writing is a bit shitty lol but I'm trying to get better!

If you guys are liking the story make sure to feed me your tasty power stones!

StarsGracecreators' thoughts