
Vol 7 : Ch 571 – Retracing Tae’s most memorable and unforgettable memories and places 1

Vol 7: Ch 571 – Retracing Tae's  most memorable and unforgettable memories and places 1

Right away after the call with the family members, both Tae and Rei leave their rooms after discussing their very important family matters with her siblings and in-laws. When the two go out, Tae's mother already waiting for them and they greet each other.

"Good Morning"

"Good Morning"

"Mom, did you wait long?"

"Not that long Tae-ya but are you going somewhere? You and Rei have no work today, right?"

"Yes we don't have work for today but I and Rei have a date today, Mom"

"Oh I see then enjoy it then"

"Yes Mom and we will trouble you again for babysitting our twins"

"No worries and so what time you will be back?"

"Before lunch or we might spend the whole day, so it only depends on the destinations we are going today"
