

The roar echoed across the somewhat deserted road. Although the house Malene lived in was fairly new, it was made as a part of a development and other houses haven't been build yet. As such, the road was pretty much empty of cars, houses and therefore, people.

"That would be it," Malene commented.

"Yeah, but what is it? It doesn't sound much like a bear," Laz pondered.

"That's just what it looked like kid. It also had horns and was kind of skinny and walked on two legs. But other than that, it looked liked a bear." Aqua commented.

"How is that anything like a bear? It has horns? Like... a bull? Or like a dear or a goat? What kind of horns are we talking about here?" Laz asked, feeling worse and worse about this whole thing.

"I don't really know? I was a bit scared and decided to get out of there when I saw it," Aqua replied, not the least bit ashamed.

"Alright. You know what? Fine. Stay here or go into the house for a bit. I'm going to go check this thing out," Laz said.
