
It's really her

Under the clear blue sky, three black cars pull up to a stop in front of An Qing's grand and luxurious building. Seeing the cars that were luxury in both name and appearance, the people going to and from An Qing were curious and stops to observe.

"Eh, who is it?"

"Why did these cars suddenly stop? Could it be a very important guest visiting An Qing?"

A whisper of commotion escalates from workers and bystanders. Ever since the news of Chen Limei's removal as CEO of An Qing, there hasn't been anything circulating about the fashion company.

The crowd slowly gathers to get a closer look at who is inside the three cars. They were also cautious and stayed at a good distance as they were afraid to offend someone they shouldn't have.

However, due to the dark windows of each car, no one could see inside. 

As everyone's curiosity grew, the doors to the first and third car flung open at a steady pace.
