
Liu Shan, wait

In another part of Imperial, a red Audi r8 pulls into the parking lot located at the back of De L'amour. The car parks and the driver side door opens as Liu Shan steps out into view.

He was dressed in his usual fashionable attire and carrying his work bag, he proceed for the entrance to enter De L'amour.

"Good morning Liu Shan."

Inside the fashion company, Sophia stood up from her seat when she saw the assistant enter the door.

Usually it was Lian Ni Shang and Shan Sinan, but today was Liu Shan's turn to come in to work early since their boss was still on leave.

"Good morning Sophia."

Liu Shan returns the greeting with his usual polite smile. He doesn't stop at her desk and makes his way towards the elevators.

Watching the man walk pass her, Sophia felt Liu Shan was in a rather good mood. She could even hear the man whistling to himself.

Did something good happen that she isn't aware of?
