
No longer my home


"Ting, wait here for a bit. I have to meet with someone."


Sitting in a bench in the hallway, Ting nods his head. His eyes were puffy and red from all the crying. He looks at Yue Ling's figure as she disappears into a room.

After he finished saying his farewells to his parents, Yue Ling drove them here. From what he knows, this place looks like a hospital. It's not as big as Imperial Hospital, but since it's inside the military base, it's definitely more high tech.

Reaching for his crutches, he use them to help him stand up. Slowly, he makes his way through the hallway. Looking out at each passing window, he was amazed. He's never been inside a military base before, let alone near one. Everything was far more structurally built. Coming to a window at the end of the hallway, he sits down on a bench and stare out the window.
