

Library was near the royal palace. Marvin had to walk some distance to get there. From faraway one can see the library. It is one of the highest buildings in the capital city. After nearing the library, Marvin saw two guards standing on the both sides of entrance. These guards were looking straight without any expression. Marvin slowly walked into the library. One can see the large amount of books arranged in each shelves from the entrance itself.

Marvin have gone to the registration table. There was an old man sitting there reading a book. The feeling Marvin felt when he saw the old librarian was that of a ruler. From this feeling itself Marvin felt that the old librarian is a member of the royal family. But he couldn't find any memory about him from the memory of previous soul. When the old librarian felt like someone nearing him, he looked up. He saw a 6 year old boy staring at him. He smiled at him lightly and asked "What do you want kid ?".

"I want to register and enter inside to read books." replied Marvin. When the librarian heard that he smiled and asked "You need 5 silver coins for registering, do you have it kid ?"

When he heard it Marvin was slightly surprised and took it from his pocket and handed it over to the librarian. When he saw the 5 glittering silver coins, the librarian was slightly surprised and handed over a silver plate.Then he said " You can use this plate whenever you come here. You can use it to enter the first and second floor. First floor contains books about miscellaneous subjects. From second floor onwards there are books about cultivation. There are formations placed in the library. So you won't be able to bring the books outside. The library will be open for whole day. No food is allowed in library. Now go." The librarian waved his hand.

After he heard all the rules and information he thanked the librarian and walked towards section with miscellaneous books. When the librarian saw this he was slightly surprised because most of the kids of Marvin's age go to the floor with information about cultivation.

After entering the miscellaneous books section he saw a large amount of books. He slowly moved towards the first shelf to pick up the first book. Suddenly he saw an empty bar appeared in his mind and began to fill very fast. After 5 seconds the bar was completely filled and all the information in book was completely imprinted in his mind. Marvin was surprised in system's function. He was also very happy in this. It was then he realised that he can imprint all the information in library very easily. This made him very happy.

Slowly Marvin began to reach out to the next book. Similar to previous book a bar appeared and when it was filled the information was filled in his mind. So Marvin began to do same process continuously. Slowly he have imprinted the data in one book and the next. By the end of day he have imprinted information in more than three fourths of all the books in miscellaneous section. But he didn't stop even if it was night. By midnight he have completely imprinted data in all the books in miscellaneous books section.
