

Wan Gouwei is the youngest physician that was appointed to directly serve the emperor and the reason for it is his high grade and prowess in medicine, and he is extremely loyal to the current emperor.

The reason why he was here was because of the sudden summon of the emperor's brother Nangong Jing. Usually he never really respond to other people other than the emperor but when he heard that the emperor is not feeling well he is immediately answer the summon, coincidentally he had come home earlier from the war because of personal matters and left the emperor with honghui which had some medical knowledge even though he is a soldier if the emperor didn't suffer too much then its fine to leave him to Honghui.

Upon hearing the name of his majesty he has been uneasy especially since he felt like the journey is quite too long. When they arrived the carriage suddenly stopped, and he heard a commotion outside and it turns out to be Honghui who was gasping for his breath he severely panicked on how Honghui talked so tense but when he denied that the emperor is hurt he also let out a sigh of relief just like the soldiers with him but even so he didn't get the chance to relax a little when Honghui find him.


When Wan Gouwei learned the situation he finds it hard to believe, and he immediately let Honghui come with him to the emperor's location since he is one of his highness aids he is quite familiar with the mountain's barrier without alarming the beast that is lurking inside of it.

When he gets to the destination where the emperor, and he finds hard to breathe and there he found master's hut of the emperor and Honghui leads him inside.

Then there he saw a very unusual sight. It was their emperor holding the woman's hand while having a pained expression. This is the first time he the emperor made kind of expression even with his parents he doesn't make that one.

When the emperor felt someone else's presence inside the room he found two people, and he let go of the woman's hand reluctantly and turn to Wan Gouwei.

"Physician Wan I'm expecting a good diagnosis" the emperor whispered which made him shuddered, but he just set it aside

"It seems like your serious your highness it seems like my prowess will be challenged" he snickered and let the emperor go aside while he turns to the seat where the emperor was and take a look at the woman's complexion.

It doesn't take long for him to sweat, and he looked the emperor asking for some permission which was granted then he held the woman's hand to look at his pulse. Unknown to him a certain someone the same person whom he had asked permission is currently clenching his fist.

A Suivre…

Here's the new chapter I'll try updating more frequent.


YumenoKisekicreators' thoughts