
V3 ch318 @ Redwood HS (4)

Sean worked the count during his at bat. The pitcher mixed in a few check throws to third, trying to keep Joey closer to the bag. Sean connected with a full count, hitting a grounder to what I thought would be the gap between third and short. The third baseman was stationary near the bag, but the shortstop had a wide range of cover. He slid in the dirt to make the stop and transitioned nicely to throw to second. The second baseman stepped on the bag and threw to first. 6-4-3 double play. 

Geez. I took my helmet off in frustration and headed back to the dugout. 

Coach gave me a sympathetic look. Yet, he couldn't say anything. With this small lead, he had to stick with the starters, not wanting to take a chance to lose this game. 

"Well-" Noah started to talk. 

I shot him a glare and cut him off. "Save it. Nothing you can say can make me feel better. Not even the RBI given to me."

"Okay, so you're a little mad, but-"
