

'Focus on something else.'

Yea, okay, easier said than done Dr. Moore. I cursed him internally as I walked to my seat in class. 

After the small hearing in court, Mrs. Atkins really made me go to school. They signed me in, excusing my tardiness, then made me go to my class. It was the middle of Biology so as soon as I walked through the doors, all eyes were on me. And when they realized who I was, the whispers started. 

"Settle down, class is still in session." Our teacher said, taking my tardy note. "Take a seat, Jake. Noah had already turned in your homework for you. Right now we've started chapter 24."

I nodded and scurried to my seat, keeping my head down. Ignore, ignore, ignore. 

"Hey, how'd it go?" Noah asked. 

I gave him a thumbs up, causing him to grin. 

We didn't say anything more about it as the teacher restarted the lesson. 
