
Forest Friends (2)

The lead bandit stood petrified as he looked at the figure that had just appeared before their rough band's eyes.

This little girl wasn't normal! Alarm bells were going off in this man's head like crazy.

Normal people don't have eyes that change colors, and a normal little girl certianly wouldn't be traipsing about in the middle of the dangerous Sunblade Forest!

Dropping the fat merchant in hand, the bandit who was holding the fat pig like man turned tail and ran like a mouse from a house-cat.

"Useless help these days..." The lead bandit said while exhaling with a heavy sigh.

If he knew he was going to meet this much resistance he would have waited for an easier target to come along, instead of hastely attacking this caravan.

One would almost feel bad for him if they had forgotten the fact the he was commiting a robbery.

The forest vegetation nearby started shaking, and two Draigs emerged from the foliage.

Their dark brown scales gleamed momentarily when some sunbeans from overhead hit the hard scales of their lithe lion-sized bodies.

Their barbed tails swished too and fro in anticipation of a battle to come.

Opening their mouths rows of razor sharp teeth appeared, pristinely white fangs that still had a bit of saliva dripping from them.

The focused their beady yellow cat-like eyes on the bandit with the cape.

The little monster-like girl's ivory colored face imeaditly became flushed.

"H-Henri... I was about to finish them up I'm sorry for playing to much with them..." The girl said as little teardrops began to form under her shining emerald green eyes.

"Shutup you little wench!" Shouted a bandit sporting a mild injury from the guards earlier, he clutched his injured arm that was slightly set and dripping blood from a superficial wound.

"Run girl your no match for them!" The boys uncle shouted while trying to stand up and fight them off again.

He tried in vain, after getting to his feet, his face beaded with sweat, he tumbled back down to the forest floor.

The other merchants had all fainted from fright by now, and the last one concious was the pig-like man.

The pig-like merchant saw this as an opportunity to flee, and bulstering his flimsy courage, he got to his feet to try and sprint away from all this chaos.

He didn't even make it 5 steps before a waiting bandit sneered at him and preceded to lop off his head that moments before had been perched above his sweat covered shoulders.

"We don't need anyone goin for halp now do we Boss?" snickered the bandit as he flicked the blood off his slightly rusted sword.

Nearby where the Draigs had emerged from, a slight shaking of the foliage announced another beings presence.

Sunlight flitted down upon Henri as they made their entrance into the fiasco taking place.

"Hmmm... nice broach you have there. I didn't know men wore broachs now adays." The golden haired child said while her footsteps lightly sounded with the cracks and snaps of broken twigs and branchs as she slowly made her way closer to the uncouth robbery scene before their eyes.

A tall white haired woman who had come out of the surrounding forest just seconds after Henri trailed behind them, as if they were the child's shadow.

The draigs upon seeing their beloved master cheerily stopped their drooling and tried to put on more noble airs as they straightened their lowered hunting posture to be holding themselves up proudly, before they hastely moved to their masters side to try and add to her feand entrance.

Thats right, this was their noble master Henri! How could they act like uncivilized beasts in the presence of the one they revered the most? That answer was a simple. They absolutely couldn't!

Henri upon seeing her comrades straighten their posture, couldnt help but let a faint smile sweep across her lips. The next moment, as if god was smiling down upon her, a bright sunbeam cascaded down sparking the golden colored hair that flowed down her back, momentarily blinding everyone nearby.

It was as though a prince charming had now emerged from the woods to save the day!

After coming to his senses, the lead bandit realized that this pretty little brat had insulted him!

It was not a rough curse ridden insult either, but a jabbing one that likened him to a fussy woman who likes jewelry!

'The nerve of this kid!' Thought the bandit.

"Aren't you going to answer him? What an incvilized man. No wonder your stooping to robbery. You can't even hold a conversation with a child..." Savien chimmed, before letting out an angelic womanly laugh.

"Boss aren't you gonna say sommtin..." Probed the bandit with ruined leather armor from earlier.

"Hmmmph. Brat why did you have to come and disturb me... I guess I could forgive you though since your pretty easy on the eyes. I would think my group could get a good some of money for selling you off. Not only you, but your big sister there." The lead bandit prattled on acting like he still had the upper hand.

He didn't forget to exclude the little girl from his jabs, due to her most likely not being human.

He had heard non-humans were usually at least three times stronger than humans.

Thus he didn't want to poke the beast. He was hoping he could direct its bloodlust towards the newcomers.

Obviously a child and woman were easier prey, and most likely tenderer as well.

Henri observed the man's demeanour, and quickly grasped the fact that he didnt mention Marie in his diabolical plans to make more money.

After quickly looking Marie over up and down, Henri noticed her eyes had revealed her true nature and a little smirk danced across her lips.

'So thats how it was' Henri thought.

Meanwhile the uncle was flabbergasted at this turn of events, not only one innocent child had stumbled upon their parties mistfortune, even a second one had, and with a beautiful young woman to boot!

The uncle lamented his current situation. He knew there was nothing he could do as of now, for he was already in such terrible shape.

Even staying concious was a task in itself at the moment, much less trying to be a hero and save everyone from this gloomy looking situation.

He could only hope that his dear nephew had already run far far away by now. And would not have to witness such a tragedy.

Alas his current train of thoughts, and his most fervorent wish were not about to come true, infact... it was the exact opposite!

Expect a new chapter soon. Also I'd appreciate if you'd take the time to comment and rate.

Scyntheacreators' thoughts