

Ring! Ring!

Ventina's phone rang.

"Hi, darling little Ven~" The woman said in a sexy voice.

"I told you to stop calling me little! Anyway, I'm serious here! I need to talk to you about Lily." Ven said seriously.

"Did something happen to her? You should take note of her emotions. A fluctuation in emotion is not good for pregnancy." Ventina warned.

"Sh'e like a soulless puppet right now. The child's father just appeared too. The problem's here though. The child's father is the second prince!" Ven consulted.

"What?! Lily actually hooked up with our second prince, who's infamous for his cold attitude?! Way to go, girl!" Ventina cheered.

"Be serious! It may not be a good thing that the father's a prince. You know how much vampires value pure bloods right? They also seem to be in an unspeakable relationship." Ven said seriously.

"Well, that is up to Lilica. However, one thing's clear. She will need to return to the demon realm. There's no doctor who would dare risk their career to operate on a pregnant woman who might be carrying the royal blood." Ventina sighed. Even she didn't want to risk her career since she still wanted to be alive. The crime of hurting royal blood was equal to death in the demon realm. The only people allowed to operate on royalty was then the royal doctors.

"Lily doesn't want to return to the demon realm. She's absolutely stubborn about this point. Can't you operate on her?" Ven asked.

"I can't. I don't dare to."

"I can give you more than a night! I beg you! Lily's my best friend!"

"Even if you give me more than a night, I still can't. I don't want to die early. Plus, the child should have a high magical power too so there's too much risk. She can't operate in the human world." Ventina answered.

"Sigh... Fine. I'll try to convince her." Ven sighed, thinking about how he should persuade her.

"Well, our exchange can begin on other days. I'll give you some time to persuade her. I trust in your persuading skills." Ventina said as she hung up.

In Lilica's room

The blonde pale woman was still sleeping. The man next to her didn't utter a sound and just looked at her sleeping profile. The woman looked restless, like something was chasing her and she had to escape. Suddenly, Kazuya's phone vibrated.

Bzzt! Bzzt!

Kazuya looked at his phone. It was his 'wife'. He had to take the call. Afraid that Lilica would wake up, he decided to go outside the room to take the call.

"Kazuya! There's been some clues about the perpetrator! He's one of the humans we've been pursuing. He has tried to kill the first prince since 3 generations ago. This organization is quite big. I'll send you some files later." Lillienne's voice sounded.

"You're pregnant! You shouldn't worry yourself about this. It's dangerous! What if something happens to you!" Kazuya reprimanded.

"This is the least I can do. Anyway, when I get more clues I'll contact you!" Lilienne said as she hung up.

"This girl..." Kazuya muttered helplessly. He returned to Lilica's room, only to find the woman gone. He looked towards the window and saw that her motorcycle was also gone.
