
A strange visit

Two days later | 08:54 | Apartment | Selina | Jerry

-Hey Jerry. Good...morning.

-Whoh! Hangover?

-(Yawns)..it's kinda early...I wasn't expecting you; am I missing something?

-Yeah you are.


-I'm here about your case.

-You mean that drug..racketeering case. Something about...what was it again? Surgical acid?

-Lysergic acid diethylamide. LSD.

-Yes. That one.


-(Sighs)...let me clean up first. Sorry about the mess here. There's a pack of fries; grab a can of soda from the freezer if..

-I'm fine. Thanks.

-..I'll be out in a minute. Just a quick shower.





-Seems like you had an exciting night.

-(From inside the shower)having a couple of drinks, arguing over stupid astrology craps, piling up unwanted opinions, how it was already Tuesday and the calendar was like 'WTF'. You know...how it goes.

-And? Who won the fight?

-You know who did.

-Hmm...say, how long do you think you can stay here? Are you sure you're not stripped out of your duties? You know..I just found your badge on the floor by some panties.

-Haha..very funny Daddy.




-...But wasn't his death rather interesting?

-Well he jumped off from the roof of his mansion..or so I heard.

-Wow..isn't the type pretty normal here?


-Sorry...so you're telling me that he was running an underground operation of drug distribution while also keeping his cover intact as a well established banker or salaryman, right?

-That's all I have on the accident.





-You know...by any chance if there was any...rivalry between our guy and other big players?

-Don't think so Selina. You want me to look it up?

-We need a background.

-...What..we actually need..is..



-Did the body inspection provide anything?

-...The body huh?

-Was there any good..

-Media publications were mostly cutoff by a privacy statement issued by his house members...give me your phone.


-Give me a sec...got it! Take a look at this. Apparently this is probably the most detailed article on the case.

-Right..this...actually IS worthless.


-What the hell am I supposed to do with the fact that his ears were bleeding profusely? He freaking jumped off..

-I know. Anything else?

-...So..it happened at night?



-How's your job coming along?


-Your had another important lead.

**Sorry if there’s any missing major points or anything. College is giving hard time and I am pretty down. That’s all.

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