
Chapter 1 Landing on Happy island

The cruise ship S A Smith is still about some distance from the island. That island is still not visible or else Alex would have already flew off on his female pidgeot, for that island.

Alex don't know why but he wishes to get a Togepi for himself. It is something inside his heart telling him and with Mew by his side his chance of getting one has increased drastically. She is in her Rufflet form now and settled on Alex's shoulder.

Yes, Mew has once again decided to join Alex in his wonderful journey.


This morning Alex woke up to find Mew sleeping next to him snuggling on his stomach as she did so.

When Alex was sleeping, he is surprised as someone touching him which made him wake up slightly from his sleep. Still in his sleepy form, Alex thought to himself why Gengar hasn't warned him or acted to deal with this one, for Espeon isn't one to snuggle.

He still feeling sleepy slowly opened his eyes to see the pink body of Mew.

Seeing her, he abruptly stood up from his sleeping position making New who slept on his stomach fall on the bed.

This tumbling made her wake up to.

She didn't like this rude way of waking up and has sent Alex flying across the room.

She has subconsciously used her psychic and sent Alex flying, if not for her remembering where she really was she may have sent Alex directly to the Happy island instead of using this cruise ship.

When she comes to her senses, she floated towards Alex and looks at his plastered body on the walls of the room. Gengar has came out of the shadows and crackled at his trainer's current situation.

The loud sound from Alex colliding with the wall very hard as well as Gengar's laughter managed to wake Espeon up.

On waking she saw her teammate and nuisance Gengar laughing at the stuck body in the wall, while rolling on the floor laughing. She looks at her old friend Mew floating around Alex's stuck body though she did not know it was Alex.

She looks around to find her trainer but when she couldn't see him she asks the two," esss....eeees.. pppp... Oooo.. eeenn" (' Did you know where Alex is?"')

When she spoke out, Mew turns to look at her and happily greeted her while Gengar stopped laughing madly though it didn't mean his smile has left him.

She asked them and a muffled sound came from the stuck man.

" And who is he?" She asked mew and Gengar.

When she asked that mew just tilted her head in confusion about her question while Gengar once again started to laugh loudly.

This reaction made her aware that all the answers to her questions rested on Gengar.

She looks at her mischievous prankster Pokemon and asked," Where is Alex, Gengar?" To make sure he took her seriously she glared at him and even sent a certain amount of controlled psychic burst at Gengar to freeze him in space.

She knows it is rude and she is being too agressive but as someone who knows the idiots of her team she knows that they are quite stubborn and wouldn't answer her questions unless she use force to make them spit it out.

" So where is he, Gengar?" She asked though much more forceful than before. The poison ghost type just grinned not at all bothered by her use of forceful psychic.

" You are a bit loose around here, can you tighten it up. It is a good exercise trick, did you know about that?" The ghost poison Pokemon jokes with her.

Espeon gets even more angry with him and her eyes glowed blue. She was really angry and just one step away from blasting him away until mew flew in front of her and greeted," Hello Espeon. Wow, you are so strong now. I knew I am a very great teacher, ain't I?" She said proudly and even puffed her chest.

Mew then looked at her friend in confusion and asked,"And why are you searching for Alex? See he is there. "

Mew pointed towards the still stuck body of Alex.

Espeon was surprised and then glared at her prisoner, Gengar," Put him down. "

Gengar just smirked and said," I haven't done anything, except for laughing at him. It is all Mew's doing." He said not even a bit affected by the psychic types menacing look .

Both if them were confused and shocked by his words.

Espeon said, "Mew did it" while Mew tagged along with her and continued,

"I did it"

"But when?"

"But when?"

They both want to know how this is related to Mew and wished for the reply.

He gleefully explained everything,"Mew, over here arrived at the room early morning and she ate the berry syrup Alex made last night.

After that she was famished and slept near Alex. After a couple hours of sleep, mew settled herself on Alex.

This woke him up and he rose to sit from him sleeping position. As soon as he did so, mew rolled down and her sleep was disturbed.

In her anger of her sleep being interrupted she used her psychic to sail Alex across the room. She did restrain her powers or Alex would have flown far away.

And finally Alex reached the position he is now on. It was so funny." And Gengar stated to crackle as soon as his explantation came to an end.

" So I did it." Mew folded it and nodded in agreement then suddenly a question sprung," Why is he still there then?"

Espeon has sensed psychic powers holding Alex in that position yet she forgot Mew and thought Gengar has something to do, so she targeted him.

Now it is found that Mew us the main culprit she opts to use the softer approach.

" Mew can you let him go? You see your powers are so great that when you wish things to happen it happens. Because Alex woke you up you make him fly here and now your powers held him in spot unless you let him go.

We are not strong enough to help Alex only you can do it." Espeon tried to convince Mew.

But Mew can be childish and stubborn at time. And she opted to do it now too.

" No I don't want to help him. I was sleeping and he woke me up so rudely. I will not help him. He will be there as punishment."Mew pouted like a child and turned her head sideways while folding her hands around her.

Espeon feels a growing migraine from her stubbornness, Alex miffed cry for help and Gengar laughing at this entire ordeal.

Espeon is at least assured that Alex isn't suffering from any health issue, for it may be different for him to breathe at this posture, yet Gengar laughs mean Alex is fine.

At least one issue is solved. Next is trying to convince Mew and let Alex down.

But before all this she needs to contact Alex and discuss how to convince her. Espeon connected to Alex through their psychic link and said,' Alex is there any way we can make her release her psychic hold.'

Instead of Alex reply, a soft feminine voice rang,' No you cannot convince me. Alex is a meanie. He disturbed my sleep.'

The legendary Pokemon has decided to involve herself in the talks which were supposed to be a secret. In the end Alex sighed on hearing her words,' I am wrong, Mew. How about I make you a azure berry cake which my mom made last time you visited us.'

This seem to make her interested but she still controlled her desire and didn't yield yet. Seeing her not yielding Alex threw another thing into the fold.

' you see mew, I have a new Pokemon egg on me. I don't think I can take care of it well. Since you are so responsible, how about I let you help me raise him.

You could have another friend to play with.'

Mew although is one of the oldest Pokemon out there, is also among the most childish of all pokemons. One of her most favorite thing she liked is taking care of children while also playing with them.

This is something most mother's do with their child. This may be another reason for her being called the Mother of Pokemon.

And just as Alex expected it did the trick.

Mew released Alex and twisted him to face her. Meanwhile she also hugged him telling him how she would raise him well and take care of him.

The way Alex changed her mind so quickly made the Gengar curious but he didn't say anything.

And this way Alex once again met mew in the cruise.

Flashback ends

The cruise ship now stands about hundred metre from the Happy island.

Because if the shallow bay the cruise ship couldn't enter but they still need to restock. So the ship decides to stay there while the smaller boats would go for restock.

Some people will be tagging along to the island for exploration.

This group also composed of Alex, Bill, Elsa, Julius, Aurea, Elesa and Skyla.

The group has apparently decide to scout the island together or more like the boys are forced to become a coolie for their bought subject while the guys are in their shopping spree.
