
Pokemon Tower ( Part 4)

Alex entered the fifth floor under the guidance of two friendly baby ghost types. Yes these two pokemons were newborns as their ghost energy was very low according to his comparison with aura sense.

He found that their life energy was a tenth compared to their counterpart and with his knowledge about the ghosts he came to the conclusion that they were just newborns because the lifespan of ghosts were longer than even dragon type pokemons and dragon type live for a few centuries to say the least.

Many times it is found that the initial form of ghost pokemons was a century or two old. His Haunter, earlier as ghastly was three decade old at the time of their first meeting.

The ghost takes a long time to grow because of slow accumulation of the life energy by then as they absorb the ghost energy or spirit and convert it into pure life energy which is the basis for their evolution.

The wild ghost pokemons are considered one of the most dangerous because of their ability to steal or devour the soul of people to sustain or increase their life energy.

As for why there isn't a case similar to it in the Pokemon Tower is because this tower is under strict surveillance of the league and if there is any such case found then it is put to a stop as soon as possible. Because the uncontrollable desire of soul nay awaken in them and it is similar to a lust of food in case of Snorlax. There are more places similar to this tower in other regions too and the people of league made a deal with the ghost that they will get free energy and in return they won't go on hunt for souls and even join as pokemon partner for trainers.

It is also said that the ghost pokemons seal their powers and memories on the death of their trainers so that they can deal with the sorrow of the passing of their partners. They can grow powerful quickly with more battle they fight. Of course they subconsciously refrained from joining the other trainers team and are more willing to perish than join them.

After reaching the fifth floor ( he was able to enter without being stopped by the keepers because he flashed his status to them ) he was taken to a much bigger and slightly more complicated version of the previous symbol in the fourth floor.

On seeing it, first thing Alex did was giving one more pokecube to both the younglings and then asked them to look out for any sneak attack along with Haunter. They saluted him back and acted like a soldier on border duty with extreme caution and focus.

So Alex completely directed his attention on the symbol. He took out the photo of earlier symbol abd tried to find the difference in the two and he also took note of the effect this symbol causes.

He noted the contents of ghost energy here was 10% richer than the lower floor. He came to a conclusion that these symbols are one of the reason for the temperature lowered at the upper floors.

The unique thing about this symbol was that there was a concentration point meaning that the ghost energy can converge at a point in the floor. This made him very happy because he felt this array may be the key to his discovery of the new future application of the water gem.

He kept his aura sense activated and trailed the ghost energy to it's convergence point. As he was reaching closer, the number of ghost pokemons become more and more and they are easily aggitated. Haunter managed to being them down without much effort.

Soon he cane across the point of convergence but he didn't immediately went off for it, because a group of Haunter were around the convergence point.

Alex felt if he had an all out battle he may anger other ghost types and even call forth a very strong ones out. So he had Haunter delay the group or distracted them while he with Jewel take note of the situation here.

He even released Espeon and Slowking out to deal with them In case they escape Haunter and tried to target him. These two psychic types also created a barrier so that the battlefield would not be too noisy and attract the unwanted attention of other people and pokemons on this floor.

He felt it was a good practice for Haunter to face his own species so that he could learn from them and even practice his almost neglected ghost moves.

So Haunter dashed off to take on four other wild Haunter and Alex sneaked to the symbol under the protection of the two psychic types.

The four pokemons tried to take him out with shadow ball and even attacked him with shadow punch but Haunter swiftly dogded them and just slashed at them with shadow claw with with hands

His twin shadow claws hit two of them who cried out in pain but because of similar typing and his less than proficiency in the attack they weren't knocked out and they joined the group attack.

Seeing that the attacks won't work they went for the status moves and two of them tried to keep him busy while the others used hypnosis for him. Haunter was asked to only use ghost type moves and nothing else so he was kind of held down by the two and didn't notice the sneak hypnosis.

He was hit directly and soon he doze off. This time to knock him out they all used dream eater along with some nightmare. These made Haunter grimace in pain in his sleep and he soon targeted them with dark pulse followed by toxic and then venoshock which knocked the four out.

Haunter was still asleep and didn't know that he knocked his opponent out.

Alex has completed his examination of the symbol when they attacked him with group hypnosis. His pokemons were ready to help him in sneak attack but Alex stopped them.

He also know that in his sleep he used sleeptalk to attack the pokemons. This battle also confirmed that the poison attack of Haunter was much more powerful than the ghost moves since multiple ghost moves only hurt them slightly while two clear hits from poison knocked them cold.

Alex just took back Haunter in his pokeball and motioned his psychic types to bring down the barrier then he motioned Espeon to use heal bell to treat the poison in the Haunter's ( which she learned from miltank at the farm). He also returned Slowking back.

After that he decided to head back to the lobby of

the Pokemon tower ( at the ground floor of the pokemon tower). The trio had decided that after parting they will meet each other in the lobby at 4 o clock and now it was already 3:30 in the evening.

So he thanked the two young ghost pokemons while giving them another ghost favoured pokecube which happily ate it and then left for the ground floor with his new data's on the energy gathering symbol and his faithful Espeon.

While Alex was heading out he didn't notice that the two ghost were looking at him going away without blinking. They had some plans regarding Alex.

What did Alex discover in those symbols? Why did the two ghosts( misdreavus and duskull ) looked at the parting Alex with some scheme in their mind?

Stay tuned

To be continued

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