
Round 2 ends


This was the only sound the people in the room heard before they were attacked by dragon rage, flamethrower and ice beam. These immobilized about five of the grunts but four were left unaffected of the attacks.

With this they revealed their Pokemon such as Arbok, Weezing, Golbat and Weavile and ready for combat. And behind them is a Hypno with a metal ring in his hand.

"So some finally dared to rescue their friends. But don't worry soon you too will join them." Said a grunt .

Another added," Boss said that we don't have to hold back but make sure all are alive. "

"it means they just have to keep breathing but if they are missing some limbs it is still alright."

" Now we don't have to suffer from boredom. They will continue to entertain us . hehehe."

and he smiled psychotically.

All these grunts ignored the other members who are now stunned and unconsciously fallen on the floor. They kept talking about how they are going to make them suffer by breaking their hands or legs, or how they will pick off their nails with tongs or how they will just poison them so they groan in pain and how they will do enough that they survive.

But our hero chose to ignore their threats as they saw the tied up Trainer bleeding from different parts, a few limbs bent in different direction from original and the pain on their face as if suffering from a nightmare.

All these revealed the fact that these sick bastards had tortured them since they were caught. This angered all of them which was revealed from their distorted face.

the next battle begins as:

Charmeleon vs Weezing

Dratini vs Arbok

Smoochum vs Golbat

Eevee vs weavile


Haunter vs Hypno

For Charmeleon and Weezing,

Charmeleon commenced the battle with a flamethrower which pushed back Weezing but

it retaliated with smokescreen. He hid in the smoke and tackled it to the ground.


it hurt badly both by it's weight and force of attack. then Alex shouted," use your ears."

then it moved it's ears softly and tried to hear the sound of Weezing but couldn't hear anything. This angered him and used it claws and flamethrower to attack wildly but couldn't hit it.

Then one attack hit it, this disrupted the momentum of the Pokemon and to end it he barraged it with flame claw, bite and flamethrower. He ended the battle with dragon rage. This battle Charmeleon won with only a little bruise. and it also slammed the grunt so strong that a sound of crack was heard

Eevee vs Weavile

Both the Pokemon are known for their speed but Weavile was much faster and it dogdes the attack of shadow ball and swift. And it attacked it with claws and ice beam. Even though not much Time passed since it joined the team it still has it's senses honest with it's life in the slums.

Since the moves didn't work so Alex had it wait for the attack.

"Wait and Don't move."

"since you won't attack then weavile use shadow claw."

he then headed towards Eevee with a darkened claw to end it. Just as it was nearer, Alex commanded,

"dig"and then softly ' and take out it's trainer'

In a flash it borrowed into the ground disrupting it's attack then it suddenly it appeared below the grunt and turned him out with shadow ball. this surprised Weavile and Eevee attacked him with a nasty bite and ended it with iron tail. this fainted him.

Hypno vs Haunter

While the battle was going on around them,they both looked at each other and didn't move a muscle. Had it not for the fact that their eyes flashed blue it would seem they weren't even fighting. they both were using their psychic powers for their mental battle. They were even in all respect in this battle as Haunter had more control and Hypno had more power. There was a heavier atmosphere here than the other Pokemon battle.

then suddenly as their eyes turned normal, and they both attacked,

Haunter with shadow pulse and Hypno with psybeam. There attack crashed and neutralized each other. as Hypno had a trainer to guide it he commanded it effectively and attacked it and tried to keep it under pressure. If Haunter didn't have type advantage it would have lost and it persisted till now. This battle had exhausted it but then it heard it's trainer commanding Eevee to attack the opposite trainer this gave it an idea.

This time he attacked it with poison bomb and then with shadow ball barrage this bought it enough time to attack the trainer whom he used hypnosis turning him asleep. Seeing his trainer hurt Hypno turned angry and attacked it with zen headbutt this move was fast and didn't give it a chance of dodging.

Fortunately Eevee attacked it with shadow ball hurting it and stopping the attack. Not giving it another chance they both hit it with shadow ball and sludge attack. Hypno couldn't last their move and was defeated.

Alex had been trying to wake the trainers but they were too badly hurt and couldn't move. Lance and Lorelei battle had also ended.

They had also knocked out their opponents. Seeing that they could not help them in limited time and Alex proposed to leave them here. This angered Lorelei and Lance too was disappointed but Alex explained them," If we didn't move we will face many of the shadows and even a commander who we could not beat. We should follow our plans to cause chaos in the base and try to buy time." and seeing that they were gloomy he also added,

" Now we are not strong enough to take them on."

After hearing this both of them nodded in agreement of his plan but also thought in the heart,' If I was strong enough I won't be leaving them behind.' This incident planted a desire for strength in their heart.

"Now we will destroy their other power station so that they power of the base is out and their defense is disabled. This way if we had a chance we could escape."

After taking their pokeball they ran away from the room to other side of the corridor. As they ran they heard some shouts from behind,

" Why is the lights of this place out?"

" Why haven't they responded to our call?"

"Hope they did not let them escape."

Now they are heading towards the station unaware of what awaits them.

In the power station,

There was only one person but he was someone who was watching over the group the entire time,Fang . By this time all the other trainers had been once again caught except for our three heroes. These three had caught his attention early on so he awaits their arrival.

"Come soon brats. I know you will come here. And then I will show you what true power really is."

Next will be the most difficult battle for the three heroes. This battle is also the last one for this escape arc. So stay tuned.

to be continued....

Sorry couldn't post chapter yesterday due to network problem. Tomorrow I will post two chapters.

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Darthnorthercreators' thoughts