

After they decided to travel together, they ate and then decided to leave Pewter city day after tomorrow. This way they both could buy and acquire the supplies they need for their journey. Alex then went out of he center and bought a map of Pewter city. He bought it so he could not get lost. After all to find the necessary supplies in a single day is enough but not enough if you get lost like in a maze.

So after taking his pokemon he went out at night to experience the night life of the city, but as he was heading out Lance saw him and tagged along with him so that in his words,' he won't feel lonely'. They just roamed around along with others who are also enjoying the night. He was thinking how in his town it was almost a curfew after 8 pm and people scarcely head out and now at even 9 there are as many people as there were in the morning. I guess this happens when they don't have any fear or are carefree.

At this time they saw some place showing puppet shows and other magic tricks around the street but any decent trainer would still find the presence and help of Pokemon in these acts. Well these were entertaining to say the least. Nowadays cinema only showed films without sound as they have not progressed enough in the field or the league didn't open that tech for public use.

The Pokemon league also harbor some technology and other applications it believe are not helpful or are harmful and may break the delicate balance created between the human world and pokemon world. Also due to dangers of Pokemon attacks on the wild most people buy their houses in the town and cities.

Also as he was passing the street in some vacant gully we could find some stray Meowth and it's evolved form Persian , even some Rattata. They are also some people who took out their Pokemon for a late night walk. Some had flareon, eevee , vaporean and heck even. Growlithe. Now both eeveeand Growlithe are considered rare. eevee due to genetic instability and evolution while Growlithe except from some hot place are mostly found as Officer Jenny's pet.

Now the Nurse joy family and Officer Jenny family dominate the sector of Pokemon Heath care and cultivation and Pokemon security completely. You will only find a few handful of people apart from them in these sectors.

Eevee is a mammalian, quadruped creature with primarily brown fur. The tip of its bushy tail and its large furry collar are cream-colored. It has short, slender legs with three small toes and a pink paw pad on each foot. Eevee has brown eyes, long pointed ears, and a small black nose. This Pokémon is rarely found in the wild, and is mostly only found in cities and towns. However, Eevee is said to have an irregularly shaped genetic structure that allows it to adapt to many different kinds of environments. Eventually, Eevee may evolve to better suit its surroundings.

Vaporeon is a composite creature sharing physical traits of aquatic and land animals. It is a quadruped with three small toes on each foot and dark blue paw pads on the hind feet. Vaporeon's body is light blue with a dark blue marking around its head and a ridge down its back. This Pokémon has a split tailfin that has been mistaken for a mermaid's in the past. It has a white ruff around its neck, and three fins around its head made of cream-colored webbing. It is said that rain will come within a few hours if Vaporeon's fins begin to vibrate.

Flareon is a mammalian, quadruped Pokémon covered in short, reddish-orange fur. It has long ears, dark eyes, and a small black nose. There are three small toes and a yellow paw pad on each foot. Fluffy yellow fur forms a small tuft on its head, as well as its bushy tail and a mane around its chest and neck. It will fluff out its collar to cool down its high body temperature.

Growlithe is a quadruped, canine Pokémon. It has orange fur with black stripes along its back and legs. The fur on its muzzle, chest, belly, and tail is cream-colored, as well as an additional tuft of fur on top of its head. Growlithe's coat is noticeably longer on its chest and tail. It has gray eyes, a black nose, and large, round ears. Its forepaws have two visible claws, while its hind paws have three toes each. Each paw has a brown pad.

Also some officer Jenny were found patrolling with their Growlithe. Heck before he reincarnated he liked a Growlithe and after becoming a trainer he still year for it but dare not buy from black market for the fear of being caught. He thought if he could make enough contribution to the league he will ask for a Growlithe from them.

They both moved around the town till nearly 11 and then headed to the center. After saying good night to each other they went to sleep in their room. While resting Alex thought,' For what I got through my walk at night I know that the matter regarding the shadow has taken a pretty serious turn. Heck even the number of Officer patrolling was increased almost thrice over the course of a month, according to those residents. This Time I was lucky enough to have met Lance at least we could help each other and may escape the net they set. I hope we don't get entangled int his matter.'

Yes during the whole walk our hero was scouting and searching information about the shadows and how serious it was. This is a trick he started developing as a kid in the Floral town in case he need to get some information he didn't know and to survive.

Well this way the fight our hero enjoyed his first night life in the pewter city. And he also hoped not to get entangled but we all know every protagonist has the habit of entangling in mess. So let's stay tuned and see how he live through the forest.

to be continued....
