
Because we need to talk

Lillian reached her destination sooner than she thought. She knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. Soon, she heard a footstep approaching her and answered the door.

"Hi, Donna, How are you?" Lillian happily greeted.

"Lillian, what a surprise?"

"I'm fine, dear. You forgot me, didn't you?" Mrs. Donna Eberto, Diego's mother, welcomed their unusual visitor, Lillian Grey.

"Donna, I never forget you at all. You know that-"

Lillian said as she inhaled the delicious smell coming from the inside.

"Donna, are making gumbo?" Lillian asked with her protruding eyes.

"-Hmm, yes dear come on in eat before you go," Donna smiled and let Lillian inside.

"What's the sudden surprise, Lilly?" Donna asked as they both went straight to the kitchen. Donna was preparing the gumbo, and so she invited Lillian to their beautiful rustic kitchen.

"Surprise, you say!"

"I'm here to mend the bond which is almost on the verge of getting crushed, you know!"

"I came to meet your son, Donna," Lillian replied while helping Donna with her cooking.


"What happened?"

"Did you two fight?"

Donna hit the jackpot, Lillian cannot hide anymore even if she tried to, she won't be able to succeed. Donna is good at reading people and their emotions. One can never lie to her and win.

"Yeah, kind of-"Lillian fidgeted as she felt regretful to accept the truth in front of Diego's mother.

"I knew it."

"Since yesterday, he is locked up in his room and never comes out that often. Plus, he's all gloomy and didn't talk to me either. I knew it had to be with one of you, girls."

Donna said while carefully stirring the gumbo and taste testing it.

"I know. Things happened at school, and I screwed it. I guess he's mad at me," Lillian moaned as she drank the juice Donna gave her in-between their conversation.

"Lilly?" Donna called.

When Lillian met the mother's eyes, it was gleaming with a warm smile.

"Diego will never be mad at you. He loves you both dearly. You guys know that, right?"

"I know, Donna. I'm just feeling bad. We've fought before, not to the point of ignoring each other and avoiding…" Lillian expressed her concern.

"And you came here to resolve it, am I right?"

"Yes, Donna."

"Diego is in his room only, go, and talk to him. The gumbo will be ready soon."

Lillian felt relieved from Donna's words. Indeed, the mother can heal their kids anytime. Ever since the trio formed, Donna would be there for them when they fight with each other.

Next to Edwin Grey, Donna Eberto stands on the list of people that the kids obey regardless. Capturing her words, Lillian decided to fulfill the purpose of her visit.

Besides, she halted for a moment.

"I didn't tell Dad, Donna. He might be expecting me already. I can't stay for dinner. Next time, got it?" Lillian convinced Donna from staying for dinner together.

She then ran upstairs and saw Diego's room locked with a 'Do not disturb' sign hanging in front of the door.

Lillian knocked for a few times but didn't get any response.

After continuously knocking on the door, Diego's footsteps heard banging on the floor. He got angry from the constant annoyance.

"You guys don't read the sign I put up here, do you?" Diego screamed as he opened the door, thinking that it is his family member.

"I did, and I still wanted to see you," Lillian spoke.

Hearing her voice, Diego jerked back from the sudden appearance. He couldn't believe that Lillian Grey is in front of him right now. It took a minute for Diego to realize the happenings.

"Enough getting surprised pardon my intrusion. I hope you weren't jerking off when I kept knocking on the door," Lillian joked as she entered Diego's room. Snapping back to reality, Diego peeked around to see if anyone's there and then went inside his room.

"Now, shut the door and hang on that stupid sign of yours again."

"Because we need to talk," Lillian declared and took a seat.

"What do you want to talk about?" Diego asked angrily.

Lillian didn't reply and focused on her mobile. Diego kept calling to her but never got an answer. Meanwhile, Lillian called her father and informed that she's at Diego's place and that Donna is making gumbo for dinner.

"Enough already talk to me, Lillian Grey," Diego seethed out furiously.

"I said shut the door and then let's talk. I don't want Donna to know what's going on," Lillian replied calmly.

Diego finally gave in and locked his door, hanging the 'Do not disturb' sign.

"Speak out," he said.

Lillian kept her mobile inside and then faced Diego.

"Why did you ask such a stupid question at lunch?" Lillian confronted him right out of the gate.

"Are you seriously going to ask me that, first?" Diego's anger only increased violently.

"Look, I know the Giselle thing is new to you. I'm just helping her out, okay?" Lillian opened strong and direct to the point.

"Are you sure?"

"Because it doesn't look like that to my eyes," Diego said it in a rude tone.

"Diego, you're misunderstanding everything."

When Lillian exploded back to him, Diego demanded the truth. He requested Lillian to spit out what was going on, until now. Lillian hesitated a bit at first, but looking at the situation she was in, it felt right to talk about Giselle.

However, she didn't want to disclose every single detail and only mentioned a few things such as Giselle's confession, Bridgette and Ivy's recording, the blackmail, and the bullying. She finally ended the story with Bridgette's revenge to ruin Giselle's life with the broadcast.

After hearing the story, Diego's face fell apart. Guilt hit him for acting coldly to Giselle.

Check out the new Book cover.

Honestly, I love the first and this new one. The second was sort of okay-ish!

Anyways, we are patching things up with Diego boy!

Have fun with this chapter!

All hail to the Gumbo!!!

Thanks a lot for reading 'Get Back to You'

Stay awesome and rock it.

ljack_acecreators' thoughts