
Smelling trouble

On his way back to home, Shane received a phone call. It was his business mobile, and so he answered it.

"Mr. Ricardo, I can't reach Ms. Lillian Grey," a female voice cried. She sounded dire as if someone disappeared.

"Jenna?" Shane Ricardo checked the number twice to confirm her identity.

The owner of the female voice is Jenna, Lillian Grey's editor. She responded to Shane, her voice still quivering.

"Calm down, Jenna."

"First, calm down," Shane comforted her before he could inquire what was going on.

Jenna obeyed his words and took a few seconds to smooth her breathing. Soon, her voice relaxed as she began to talk.

"It's Ms. Grey, Sir, I can't reach her."

"She's not in her home, office, or any other place that I can think of her being there."

Jenna's information arrested Shane Ricardo.


Before he could ask her any more questions, Jenna intervened.

"Ms. Grey is not answering her call either, Sir."

Shane knew at that point that asking his inquests would be futile. He sighed.



"Where you now?"

Noticing the time, Shane worried for Jenna. He wanted to know if she is safe or not.

"I'm at Ms. Grey's residence."

Jenna heard Shane's soft puffs of air. He seemed relaxed now after hearing that she is not in crisis.

"Good. You're safe then. First, go home."

"It's already late, and I will handle it from here. Got it?"

Jenna denied at first, but Shane ordered her to return home the second their conversation concludes.

"Okay," Jenna's voice resembled disappointment.

"Thank you, Sir. But please, if you can reach Ms. Grey tell her to answer my call."

Jenna paused for a moment before continuing.

"I will be calling her throughout the night. She's not escaping this time."

Shane chuckles as he heard her plan to nag Lillian Grey all night.


"Good, I will pass on the message."

"Don't worry, and go home; Eat and take rest."

"I said I'll handle, Ms. Grey."

With that, Shane Ricardo hung up the call.

He picked his other mobile phone, which looked more like for his personal use. He went to the speed dial and called a number. It was ringing, but no one answered.

Shane tried a few more times and started getting pissed off already. He dialed another new number but got no reply. He was reaching his limit when the person finally answered his call; It was his ninth attempt.


"Hello," a familiar voice called from the other end.

Without greeting, Shane vented, raising his voice.

"Where are you?" Shane controlled his anger and made sure to suck out the information.


"What happened?" the voice responded, unable to sense the urge Shane displayed.

"Oh, what happened?" Shane mimicked the voice back.

"I asked you a question," this time he demanded an answer.

Finally noticing his hidden fury, the voice answered to his question abruptly.

"On a date."


"In Vegas."


The voice was so low, Shane could barely hear it clear. He knew that the person is feeling his wrath right now.


"Sorry!" the voice confessed.


Shane got truly upset.

By now, he reached his home. He stepped out and shut the car door so hard that the person on the receiver could hear the vibration.

"Lillian, you Idiot."

"Do you have any idea what the time and date is now?"

"Your deadline is in this week, and you are in Vegas for a date."

Shane couldn't control his temper anymore because he is in his home and nobody can interrupt him. He yelled at Lillian Grey, one of his top-selling novelists. This time there's no excuse or anything. It looked as if Lillian might soon be into trouble with her boss.

"I know. I know. Don't shout at me. I'll be back by tomorrow evening. The deadline is still in four days. I will finish my work before that."

Lillian Grey sounded so carefree. But, the problem is whenever she goes on a date, it doesn't end well.

No, Shane wasn't going to allow it this time.

"Your deadline is tomorrow morning."

"Finish your final draft and send it to Jenna by tomorrow morning. If not, then forget about publishing this book."

"You are free to look for another company to publish your book."

Shane's words struck Lillian Grey. She realized the weight of the situation at that moment.

"Woah Woah Woah, what was that?"


"Are you crazy?"

"Think about me, Shane. You know how my girlfriend is, let it go this time."

Lillian paused for a moment and thought wisely to handle her enraged friend, who is also her boss ultimately.

"I will submit it tomorrow night."

Hearing Lillian Grey's pledge, Shane eased out a little bit. He did not react and kept his voice firm.


"No changes, nothing."

"Get your ass back to writing. Finish the draft tonight and send it tomorrow morning to Jenna."

"I will call her directly. If she didn't receive any copy, that's the end for you, Goodnight, Lillian."

Before hanging up the conversation right away to shut Lillian Grey, Shane remembered something important.

"Oh, I forgot- call Jenna, she's your editor, not your slave. If I ever get a call from her saying that you're unreachable. Then that's it for you."


"No Wait-"

Before Lillian Grey could react, the call ended.

She smelled trouble, and an all-nighter enticing her.


On the contrary, Shane cut the call harshly to send a warning to his best friend and writer, Lillian Grey. He knew when Jenna mentioned that Lillian found to be nowhere. If she is not responding to her editor and avoided Jenna's calls and messages, then it can mean only one thing.

'Lillian Grey is doing something unusual,'

Shane guessed it correctly. Knowing Lillian Grey for a long time, he knew she has another personal number that not a lot of people knew, including her editor, Jenna. He quickly called her with that number, and Lillian Grey responded.

After leaving her with notice, Shane calmed down a bit. However, his mind did not relax at all.

"You better wait for it, Lilly. I will make you regret your decision," Shane murmured while looking at his phone.

Till now, he was in his suit, roaming inside his house and talking to Lillian Grey.

The clock ticking snapped him back to the real world. He went straight to his room to get changed and then flop on his bed to finally rest.

Woah, newly formatted!!!

Now, I feel happy.

*inserts Pharell's Happy song*

A MESSAGE TO HER, volume 1 ebook from the series GET BACK TO YOU is available to buy:





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