
The Monster beneath the Human skin

Next Day, 2:00 p.m. ;

"David Florence and Shawn Florence are back in the town, Xinghe.", Ashfakh Ali informed the girl, as he looked at the two heads delivered to him at his doorsteps, rolling his eyes. "Classic David.", he muttered under his breath. 

"Let me guess. Heads ripped apart. Handed over on a Silver Platter!", Rong Xinghe chuckled, observing the electoral results across different provinces and states and localities, on her iPad screen. Today, Country X was to select their two heads. The Prime Minister and the President. And she was to consent their position and power.

Basically, the girl couldn't afford to spare even seconds, let alone minutes, for her own engagement preparations, that was to take place the next day. She had left it for her brothers and darling to handle. They, of course, understood her dilemma. 

"Something like that.", the man chuckled, covering the top of the wooden carton with some dull cloth. 
