
Rong Yufan's 'new' enemy !

The six men silently looked at the evidently harmonious and perfect couple in front of them. There was no doubt that Xi Yuan and Rong Xinghe complimented each other too well. Most importantly , as her brothers , they all were pleased by the attention and importance Xi Yuan gave to their kiddo. Surprisingly , they all were getting used to Xi Yuan's public display of affection with their sister !

By now , Xi Yuan had already coaxed the girl to sleep in his arms. His presence was , after all , no less than any medicine for her.

The man kept on holding the girl in his arms while he swiftly pulled the blanket over Rong Xinghe's cold shoulders. Only after the girl went into a deep sleep did the man relaxed a little and looked at Zhi Xi.

"She has been having such nightmares since..."

"Since the train incident in Country I. The dreams aren't always about the particular incident though. They can be concerning any of her childhood traumas.", Zhi Xi sighed.
