
Choi Bohai and Ling Ling's story.

It was chaos in Yu Yan's world. She followed Ling Ling to the hospital with Li Jun and Xi er. Greg became in charge of the funeral.

"Yu Yan , you have to rest now. Let me arrange for someone to stay here with Ling Ling and Xi er okay...." Li Jun had seen many of his men die but he took it as a way of life - his life. It was kill or be killed in his world. Like his men died today , his men had also killed many people. The dead's family would be compensated heavily but he had never attached their deaths with emotions. Needless to say this was the first funeral in his life that he had gotten himself so involved. He normally would show up to a funeral for a few minutes and that was it . He didn't like being out of control but looking at Yu Yan he tried to understand the feelings she must be going through and unexpectedly understood... so he had went along with her.

Yu Yan shook her head lightly.
